This award will assist student and post-doctoral members of the CPB section with expenses incurred during visits to other laboratories, research facilities, field stations or sites to conduct zoological research.
The intention is to support ancillary research activities that will supplement and enhance the applicant’s core research program, and applications of this type will be given priority over those to fund core research, which is normally the responsibility of the applicant’s supervisor and/or funding agency.
Terms of Reference
This award will assist student and post-doctoral members of the CPB section with expenses incurred during visits to other laboratories, research facilities, field stations or sites to conduct zoological research. The intention is to support ancillary research activities that will supplement and enhance the applicant’s core research program, and not to fund core research itself, which is the responsibility of the applicant’s supervisor and/or funding agency. This must be clearly stated in the application.
Cash award of up to $500. The value of the award may be changed in later years depending on the financial status of the CPB section.
Source of Prize
Funded from general revenues of the Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry section of the Canadian Society of Zoologists.
Frequency of Award
Maximum of one per year. The award need not be made every year.
Application Procedures
Applications for this award will be considered from the pool of CPB student/PDF members applying for the Canadian Society of Zoologist Student/PDF Travel Research Grant. No separate application will be required. Applications can be made at this link.
Application Deadline
As for the CSZ Student/PDF Travel Research Grant (currently March 14, 2025).
Other Conditions
These conditions follow those for the CSZ Student/PDF Travel Research Grant. There are no restrictions on the nationality of the hosting facility. Applicants should currently be undertaking studies at a Canadian university. Only one application per person per year will be assessed. An application cannot be submitted for work already completed. Recipients will be required to:
Provide social insurance number and permanent mailing address to the CPB section chair before payment is issued;
Acknowledge to CSZ Treasurer receipt of the cheque;
Produce a 250-500 word report of the results obtained under the Award and submit to CSZ Secretary (copy to CPB section chair), for publication in the CSZ Bulletin, the CSZ archives and on CSZ web page;
Acknowledge the CSZ in any publications resulting from the Award.
2020 – Robine Leeuwis, Memorial University
2019 – Nahid Vagharfard, York University
2018 – Neal Callaghan, University of Toronto, and Yihang (Kevin) Pan, University of Ottawa
2017 – Travis Durhack, University of Manitoba (IEE Section sponsored); Julia Gauberg, York University (IEE Section Sponsored)
2016 – Sarah Alderman, University of Guelph
2015 – Catherine Ivy, McMaster University.
2014 – Danielle Levesque, Brock University.
2013 – Andrew Turko.
2012 – Isabel Bario, Joshua Pemberton, Daniel Baker.
2010 – Carole Di Poï, Université Jean Monnet (France) and Université Laval.
2009 – Ben Spears-Roesch, Universityof British Columbia.
2008 – Paula Duarte, University of Ottawa.
2007 – John Fitzpatrick, McMaster University.