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MSc Positions in Forest Biocontrol and Pest Management
to Mar 31

MSc Positions in Forest Biocontrol and Pest Management

Job Title: MSc positions in Forest Biocontrol and Pest Management

Location: Acadia University, Wolfville, NS

Job Type: Graduate Student

Description: We are currently seeking candidates for multiple MSc positions to conduct research on development of a biocontrol and integrated pest management strategy for invasive Hemlock Woolly Adelgid. Currently positions have flexible start dates within the next 9 months. Successful applicants will work with a team of researchers based at Acadia University in Nova Scotia, and with Natural Resources – Canadian Forest Service in Fredericton, NB.

MSc candidates (4) are being recruited for the following sub projects:
1. Timing of insect development and thermal tolerance of HWA and biocontrol agents (1Msc; in collaboration with the Ferguson lab at Acadia)
2. Investigating the diversity of close relatives of biocontrol agents in NS – distribution, detection, and prey diversity (2
3. Impacts of chemical treatments for HWA management on canopy invertebrate biodiversity (1MSc).
Ideal candidates should have a BSc with some background experience in forestry, biology, entomology or chemistry backgrounds.

For all positions, they should be highly motivated, and have a keen interest in insect pest management and forest ecology. Must be able to work well independently and with a team, and have a good suite of communication and interpersonal skills.

Start date:
Positions are available starting Sept 2024 and applications are open until leading applicants are identified.

Application Email Address:

Company Name: Acadia University

Application Close Date: March 31, 2025

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Graduate Positions to Study the Physiology & Control of Sea Lamprey
to Jun 1

Graduate Positions to Study the Physiology & Control of Sea Lamprey

Job Title: Graduate Positions to Study the Physiology & Control of Sea Lamprey

Location: Department of Biology, Wilfrid Laurier University, Waterloo, ON

Job Type: Graduate Student

Description: The Wilkie Lab ( at Wilfrid Laurier University is recruiting students (2 MSc, 2 PhD) to study lamprey physiology and control in the Great Lakes.
Graduate projects may focus on: (i) the effects of warming temperatures due to climate change on sea lamprey physiology and lampricide effectiveness; (ii) how native, non-parasitic lamprey species respond to lampricides; (iii) how metabolism and gill function change during the lamprey’s life cycle.

Students will perform field collections of larval lampreys and conduct their studies in Laurier’s fully equipped biology labs and aquatic facilities. Methods and skills to be learned will be project dependent and may include molecular biology (e.g. mRNA expression, protein quantification), immunohistochemistry to study tissue structure and function, biochemical assays of energy stores and metabolites, and respirometry to measure whole animal metabolic rate.
Qualifications: Interested students should have training in the biological sciences or other related disciplines, preferably with research experience obtained by completing a MSc thesis, B.Sc. undergraduate research project, or volunteer work. A minimum B average is required for admittance to either MSc or PhD programs. Demonstrated skills in writing and data organization and analyses are an asset.

Preferred Starting date: May or September 2025 (flexible).

Application Email Address:

Company Name: Wilfrid Laurier University

Application Close Date: June 01, 2025

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Funded PhD opportunity in the Invertebrate Neuroethology Laboratory
to May 1

Funded PhD opportunity in the Invertebrate Neuroethology Laboratory

Job Title: Funded PhD opportunity in the Invertebrate Neuroethology Laboratory

Location: Winnipeg, MB, Canada

Job Type: Graduate Student

Description: Dr. Byron N Van Nest is seeking a talented PhD student to start in September 2025 (preferably) or January 2026 to study aspects of sensory physiology and learning in the context of pollination ecology. Using honey bees and other arthropods, our laboratory employs immunohistochemistry, microscopy, electrophysiology, and a wide variety of behavioural assays. We have active collaborations with the University of Manitoba Departments of Entomology and Electrical & Computer Engineering, East Tennessee State University, and the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich.

Completion of a research-based master’s degree is required prior to commencing the PhD.

For more information, visit or contact Dr. Van Nest at Send applications to Dr. Van Nest by May 1st, 2025.

All qualified persons are encouraged to apply, and we particularly invite applications from persons who are a member of one or more marginalized communities: Indigenous, Black or racialized persons, persons with disabilities, and persons of all genders and sexual identities.

Application Email Address:

Company Name: Department of Biological Sciences, University of Manitoba

Application Close Date: May 01, 2025

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Biological Field Technician - Bat Ecology Research
to May 1

Biological Field Technician - Bat Ecology Research

Job Title: Biological Field Technician - Bat Ecology Research

Location: Saskatoon, SK

Job Type: Research Technician/Assistant

Description: As a Research Technician, you will engage in diverse fieldwork tasks, including acoustic monitoring for bat activities, night-time netting operations to capture bats, and the use of multiple techniques to sample from bats. This hands-on position involves travel across the province of Saskatchewan and working in various outdoor conditions. Successful candidates will have the opportunity to work alongside experienced researchers and make significant contributions to our understanding of local bat populations. No prior bat experience is necessary; but previous work with animals, particularly bats, is an asset. The field season functions on a 10-day on, 4-day off schedule.

Primary Responsibilities:
Netting and Bat Sampling
~ Travel to various locations across Saskatchewan to conduct night-time fieldwork.
~ Participate in netting activities to capture bats for ecological research purposes.
~ Collect samples (blood, fecal, morphometrics) from captured bats for further analysis.
~ Ensure proper care and maintenance of field equipment and tools.

Acoustic Monitoring and Roost Site Sampling
~ Conduct daytime fieldwork, including deployment and retrieval of acoustic recording units to monitor bat activities.
~ Collect samples from bat roost sites for research and conservation efforts.

Radio Tracking
~ Engage in radio tracking to monitor bat movements and behavior.

Data Collection and Processing
~ Maintain accurate and detailed records of field observations and collected data.
~ Assist in the processing and analysis of acoustic and other sample data in the laboratory.

Community Engagement:
~ Interface with landowners and community members to gain access to research sites.
~ Build positive relationships and communicate the importance of bat ecology research.

Essential Qualifications:
~ Courses and/or training in biology, environmental science, or a related field. The ideal candidate will be working towards a degree/certificate in a relevant program.
~ Comfortable working in outdoor environments and adverse weather conditions.
~ Ability to troubleshoot and address technical issues with equipment.
~ Strong teamwork skills and ability to work under pressure.
~ Strong organizational and communication skills, especially in data management and Excel.
~ Flexible with work hours, responsibilities, and long periods of travel.

Preferred Qualifications:
~ Experience working with animals, particularly bats, is an asset.
~ Rabies shots are an asset; must be willing to undergo rabies vaccination if selected.
~ Up to date tetanus vaccines are required.
~ A valid driver's license is an asset.
~ Experience with 4x4 truck and/or recreational trailer driving is highly desired.
~ Up-to-date first aid certification is an asset. Wilderness first aid is highly desired.
~ Technicians are expected to bring their own appropriate, non-specialized field gear (sturdy boots, hiking pants, bedding and sleeping bag, etc.).

Application Email Address:

Company Name: University of Saskatchewn

Application Close Date: May 01, 2025

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Mosquito Insectary Manager (Research Assistant/Technician 2)
to Apr 5

Mosquito Insectary Manager (Research Assistant/Technician 2)

Job Title: Mosquito insectary manager (Research Assistant/Technician 2)

Location: UBC Vancouver

Job Type: Research Technician/Assistant

Description: ** APPLY DIRECTLY HERE **

This position is for a grant-funded research assistant and insectary manager in the UBC Mosquito Lab who will be primarily responsible for routine rearing of insect strains, data organization and analysis, and general lab organization and coordination. The Mosquito Lab is a community that strives to conduct rigorous, important, collaborative, and open science in an environment that is welcoming, respectful, and supportive. We seek to help each member of the laboratory to achieve their goals both in the context of science and beyond. We are firm believers that a diverse community is a better community, and welcome anyone, regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, cultural or economic background, and ability status. We strive not just for diversity within the lab but inclusion as well and are committed to providing active support to everyone as they navigate their place within the lab, the Zoology department, UBC, and broader scientific communities.

The primary responsibilities revolve around maintaining a stock collection of ~50 genetically distinct populations of Aedes aegypti mosquito (both natural strains and genome-engineered lines), with forays into other species and systems at smaller scale. Once the successful candidate is well integrated into the role, there should be ample time for exposure to research - the previous insectary manager mentored several directed studies students and has contributed meaningfully to projects that will be published from the lab. Our lab studies sensory biology and behaviour in the yellow fever mosquito Aedes aegypti, primarily using techniques drawn from genetics, neuroscience, and ‘omics, and in general I see this role as being a great stepping stone for someone looking to continue graduate studies or a non-academic career in a related area.

The major qualities I’ll be looking for are past experience working with insects (not necessarily mosquitoes — someone with a fly genetics background would also be potentially a great fit given the nature of the strains they’ll be maintaining), microscopy experience, a demonstrated ability to work independently (but ask questions when needed!), and organizational skills that are better than mine (not hard, but still critically important!). B.S. or M.Sc. are both fine. The posting is live, with a closing date of April 5 - ideal start date would be in May, but willing to be flexible for the right candidate. Guaranteed funding until August 31 2026 with possibility of extension pending grant availability.

Application Email Address:

Company Name: University of British Columbia

Application Close Date: April 05, 2025

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Assistant Professor - Biology
to Mar 17

Assistant Professor - Biology

Job Title: Assistant Professor - Biology

Location: Halifax, Nova Scotia

Job Type: Faculty

Description: The Department of Biology at Saint Mary's University (SMU) invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track faculty position at the rank of Assistant Professor to commence as early as July 1st, 2025. We are seeking applicants with research expertise in Cell Biology and Evolution. Preference will be given to candidates using plants or other photosynthetic organisms in their research, and who engage in field work and/or laboratory-based analyses to address their research questions. The candidate will support our undergraduate curriculum by teaching courses in Cell Biology, Microbiology, Ecology or Evolution, and potentially developing courses in their areas of research specialization.

Qualified candidates must submit an application package consisting of:
i) A cover letter outlining how the applicant's background aligns with the desired qualifications, and which of the Department's current course offerings the applicant would most like to teach
ii) An up-to-date curriculum vitae
iii) A research statement including: i) A summary of the applicant's three most significant contributions to research (publications/presentations/reports/patents on a specific subject can be grouped into one contribution; maximum of 2 pages), ii) A short-term (5 years) and longer-term research plan (maximum of 2 pages)
iv) A teaching dossier that includes evidence of teaching effectiveness with student evaluations of past teaching (if available)
v) The names, addresses, and email contacts of three persons that are best able to describe your suitability for this position

The complete application should be sent as a single file in .pdf format to: Dr. Laura Weir, Chair, Biology Department email: Complete applications must be received on or before March 17, 2025. Only those selected for an interview will be contacted. We appreciate all applications and note that only candidates selected for an interview will be contacted. No telephone calls please.

Application Email Address:

Company Name: Saint Mary's University

Application Close Date: March 17, 2025

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PhD position - Fish Acid-Base Physiology
to Mar 15

PhD position - Fish Acid-Base Physiology

Job Title: PhD position - Fish acid-base physiology

Location: Washington State University (Pullman campus)

Job Type: Graduate Student

Description: The Shartau Lab investigates the physiological responses of animals to environmental change and stressors, and is particularly interested in the role of acid-base regulation in these responses. The lab integrates approaches at the molecular, cellular, and whole animal level, as well as field-based research to gain mechanistic insights into physiological function at the organismal level. The expected focus of the PhD project would be to characterize the response of fish to high CO2. The lab will be housed in the newly renovated biology building and has aquatic space in the Aquatic Phenomics Center and the Carver Fish Hatchery. Graduate support includes 12 months of salary (~$30k) as well as tuition and health insurance coverage. Pullman is located in southeastern Washington State, offering numerous year-round outdoor opportunities and is approximately 90 minutes from Spokane and 4.5 hours from Seattle. Interested students should contact Ryan Shartau as soon as possible, and full consideration of applications will be given if submitted by March 15th. Please email Ryan ( the following: (1) short statement (half to one page) on your motivation, qualifications, and future goals, (2) unofficial transcript(s), and CV/resume, and (3) names and contact information for 2-3 references.

Application Email Address:

Company Name: Washington State University

Application Close Date: March 15, 2025

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Tenure Track Position in Physiology, Pharmacology and/or Toxicology
to Mar 1

Tenure Track Position in Physiology, Pharmacology and/or Toxicology

Job Title: Tenure Track Position in Physiology, Pharmacology and/or Toxicology

Location: Western College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Saskatchewan.

Job Type: Faculty

Description: Applications are invited from qualified individuals for a tenure-track faculty position at the Assistant or Associate Professor level within the Department of Veterinary Biomedical Sciences of the Western College of Veterinary Medicine. The ideal candidate is expected to develop a very strong extramurally funded research program in Physiology, Pharmacology or Toxicology relevant to animal and/or One Health that complements existing strengths in the department. The candidate will also provide important contributions to teaching pharmacology and related disciplines within the veterinary medicine (DVM) program.

Please see more information here:

Application Email Address:

Company Name: University of Saskatchewan

Application Close Date: March 01, 2025

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Tenure-Track Assistant Teaching Professor in Biology
to Feb 28

Tenure-Track Assistant Teaching Professor in Biology


Location: University of New Brunswick, Saint John

Job Type: Faculty

Description: Please see:

The Department of Biological Sciences at the University of New Brunswick Saint John invites
applications for a full time, tenure-track appointment in biology at the Assistant Teaching Professor level, beginning July 1, 2025, subject to budgetary approval.

We seek a biologist to teach anatomy and physiology to students in nursing and health-related programs and organismal biology to our biology majors. The person hired will have an outstanding student instruction record and an excellent commitment to undergraduate teaching. Teaching responsibilities include lectures and laboratories for biology courses, particularly Anatomy and Physiology and Introductory Zoology. Minimum qualifications include an MSc in Biology or related discipline (PhD preferred) and demonstrated excellence in post-secondary teaching in biology.
The Department of Biological Sciences is an interdisciplinary department that offers 4-year BSc degrees in Marine Biology, Biology, Applied Coastal Ecology, and Biology-Psychology, as well as minors in chemistry and geology. The department also offers research-based MSc and PhD degrees in Biology. It has 21 faculty members with research expertise in a variety of fields of biology, chemistry, geology, and physics. For more information, visit the Departmental website:
The salary range and fringe benefits for this position are defined in the Association of University of New Brunswick Teachers (AUNBT) 2022 - 2025 Collective Agreement sections 35 and 36B. Applicants are requested to submit electronically (as a single PDF) a cover letter, curriculum vitae, the names and addresses (e-mail and telephone number) of three referees, and a teaching dossier. The teaching dossier should include a summary of responsibilities and roles related to previous teaching experience, statements of teaching philosophy and teaching interests, and examples of teaching strategies and selected materials to provide evidence of effective teaching. Applications should be addressed to:
Dr. Heather Hunt, Chair of Biological Sciences
Applicants must state whether they are a Canadian citizen or permanent resident of Canada.
Review of applications will begin on February 28, 2025.
Short-listed candidates will be required to provide satisfactory proof of credentials including appropriately certified translations of credentials into English, as applicable.
The University of New Brunswick is committed to employment equity and fostering diversity within our community and developing an inclusive workplace that reflects the richness of the broader community that we serve. The University welcomes and encourages applications from all qualified individuals who will help us achieve our goals, including women, visible minorities, Aboriginal persons, persons with disabilities, persons of any sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression. Preference will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents of Canada

Application Email Address:

Company Name: University of New Brunswick, Saint John

Application Close Date: February 28, 2025

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Assistant Professor
to Mar 3

Assistant Professor

Job Title: Assistant Professor

Location: Department of Biological Sciences

Job Type: Faculty

Description: Outstanding candidates in the area of Cell and Systems Biology that work with aquatic organisms or in synthetic biology/biochemistry in any eukaryotic system in their research program will be considered. Successful candidates will be expected to develop an internationally competitive research program to study fundamental or applied questions in cell, biochemical, molecular, genetic and/or developmental biology. See for further details

Application Email Address:

Company Name: University of Manitoba

Application Close Date: March 03, 2025

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PhD Position: "Phenotypic Plasticity of Red Blood Cell Function in Fish"
to Feb 23

PhD Position: "Phenotypic Plasticity of Red Blood Cell Function in Fish"

Job Title: PhD position: "Phenotypic plasticity of red blood cell function in fish"

Location: Kiel, Germany

Job Type: Graduate Student

Description: 3-year PhD position in the Harter lab at the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel. For more information about the position and how to apply see:
For more info about the Harter lab see:

Application Email Address:

Company Name: GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel

Application Close Date: February 23, 2025

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Cellular Sensing and Signalling Mechanisms of Fish Red Blood Cells
to Feb 23

Cellular Sensing and Signalling Mechanisms of Fish Red Blood Cells

Job Title: Cellular sensing and signalling mechanisms of fish red blood cells

Location: Kiel, Germany

Job Type: Postdoctoral Fellow

Description: 3-year post-doctoral position in the Harter lab at the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel. For more information on the position and how to apply see:
For more info about the Harter lab see:

Application Email Address:

Company Name: GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel

Application Close Date: February 23, 2025

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Assistant Professor, Biopharma and Animal Physiology
to Feb 3

Assistant Professor, Biopharma and Animal Physiology

Job Title: Assistant Professor, Biopharma and Animal Physiology

Location: Wolfville, Nova Scotia

Job Type: Faculty

Description: Faculty of Pure and Applied Science Assistant Professor, Biopharma and Animal Physiology
Tenure Track Stream Position #: 20104
Acadia University acknowledges that we are in Mi’kma’ki, the ancestral and unceded territory of the Mi’kmaw Nation. This land is governed by the treaties of Peace and Friendship, first signed by the Mi’kmaq, Wolastoqey, Peskotomuhkatiyik, and the British Crown in 1726. These treaties did not implicate or affirm the surrender or transfer of land to the British, but recognized Mi’kmaq and Wolastoqey title and set the rules for what was to be a long-standing relationship between nations. As an educational institution, we are continually learning more about how we can deeply engage and move forward the work of truth, reconciliation, and equity. As faculty, staff, and students in FPAS, we are grateful to live and work in Mi’kma’ki. We recognize that without action, an acknowledgment is empty. It marks the beginning of the work ahead of us, not the end.
Acadia University is recognized as one of Canada’s premier primarily undergraduate institutions. Academic innovation, a personalized learning environment, and a strong research culture have garnered the university a reputation for success. Acadia is located in Wolfville, a small-town setting with a relaxed lifestyle and outstanding cultural and recreational opportunities. With a progressive commitment to sustainability, the region offers locally crafted artisan food and beverage with many communities embracing organic, fair trade, and farm-to-table ideals. The region has a diverse network of biotechnology, industrial, government, and other partners (e.g., Atlantic Canada Bio Industries Alliance, and Life Sciences Nova Scotia).
The Applied Bioscience Program and the Department of Biology invite applications for a cross-appointed tenure-track position in biopharma and animal physiology commencing on July 1, 2025. We are searching for an outstanding scientist with a strong knowledge of the biopharma industry and expertise in animal physiology; a background in neurobiology and/or direct industrial experience will be considered an asset. The successful applicant will bring relevant experience in research, communication and mentorship, will help build relationships with regional biotech partners, and will contribute to ongoing efforts to provide training and mentorship to students of diverse backgrounds.
The successful applicant will be housed in the Department of Biology, one of the largest departments on campus with ~500 majors, ~40 Masters students, as well as post-doctoral fellows. Undergraduate teaching is a primary focus of both programs, and we prioritize experiential learning with hands-on labs and individualized learning opportunities. The Department of Biology integrates teaching and research throughout our program, with course offerings that support students with wide-ranging career goals. Applied Bioscience is a new BSc program at Acadia, and combines the fundamental disciplines of biology and chemistry with a special focus on how these disciplines are applied in the biotechnology sector. Students in Applied Bioscience complete a business minor and the Acadia co-op program. Experiential learning in the Applied Bioscience program has a focus on professional skills and workplace readiness. Acadia University has several research centers including the Acadia Laboratory for Agri-food and Beverage, the Acadia Centre for Microstructural Analysis and a small Animal Care Facility, equipped for aquatic and terrestrial invertebrates, fish, reptiles, and amphibians.
Applicants must have an earned doctorate in biology or a related field; applicants with equivalent professional qualifications in a field where doctorates are not normally available may also be considered. Relevant post- doctoral and/or work experience is an asset. The successful applicant will be expected to teach courses in biotechnology (e.g., Research Methods in Biotechnology and Biopharma and Industry Knowledge) and in biology (e.g., Animal Physiology and Introductory Neuroscience) and potentially, courses in the applicant’s area of expertise and aligning with the needs of both programs.

The successful applicant is expected to develop and maintain an active, innovative and externally funded program of research and to contribute to the education and training of undergraduate (including co-op) and graduate (MSc) students. Examples of excellence in scholarship include forms of scholarly activity appropriate to the applicant’s specialty, for example, publications in quality peer-reviewed and field-relevant journals, and/ or evidence of contributions to industry such as technical reports, patents, etc. The candidate must also demonstrate a commitment to teaching and mentoring; this may include, but is not limited to, a description in the teaching statement or CV of past teaching experience, contributions to course and program development, course evaluations if available, and positive endorsements from referees. Candidates are encouraged to include contributions to their discipline or profession such as service to professional organizations, industry, community engagement, etc. Applicants will be assessed relative to their level of experience.
Academic Qualifications:
• Earned doctorate in biology or a related field or equivalent professional qualifications in a field where doctorates are not normally available may also be considered
How to Apply: Candidates are asked to submit their application in a single PDF document to Receipt of the application will be acknowledged via email. Applications should include the following:
• position number (include in the subject of the submission email)
• a cover letter describing how the applicant meets the criteria for appointment and particularly, a strong
knowledge of the biopharma industry
• curriculum vitae
• a research statement including how your research program could develop at Acadia (~one page)
• a statement on teaching philosophy (~one page) •
• evidence of excellence in teaching in academic and/ or industrial settings (see suggestions above)
• the name and contact information (email and phone) for three references (to be contacted if short
a statement providing information on how you have worked or plan to work to advance diversity, equity
and inclusion in academic, professional and/ or community contexts (~one page)

The application should be addressed to:
Dr. Glenys Gibson Acadia University
Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada B4P 2R6 Email:
Acadia University invites applications from all qualified individuals; however, Canadians and permanent
residents shall be given priority. The University encourages applications from Indigenous people; African
Canadians; African Nova Scotians; persons with disabilities; visible minorities; women; persons of any minority
sexuality, gender identity or gender expression; and all intersections of these identities. Acadia embraces the
principles of equity, diversity, and inclusion as fundamental in creating an expansive academic environment
and champions diverse knowledge systems as pillars of academic excellence.
All applicants are required to submit an online Employment Equity Self-Identification Form as part of their
The form provides the option of self-identifying based on the applicant’s comfort Closing Date: February 3, 2025
application package.
Failure to complete the form by the closing date will result in the disqualification of your application.
Accessibility Statement
The University strives to be an equitable and inclusive community, and proactively seeks to increase diversity among its community members.

The University will provide support in its recruitment processes to applicants with disabilities, including
If you require any accommodations at any point during the application and hiring process, please contact, Administrative Assistant
in Biology.
accommodation that considers an applicant's accessibility needs.

Application Email Address:

Company Name: Acadia University, Department of Biology

Application Close Date: February 03, 2025

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Tenure Track Faculty Position in Environmental Molecular Biology
to Feb 6

Tenure Track Faculty Position in Environmental Molecular Biology

Job Title: Tenure Track Faculty Position in Environmental Molecular Biology

Location: Toronto

Job Type: Faculty

Description: Tenure Track Position in Environmental Molecular Biology

Located in downtown Toronto, the largest and most culturally diverse city in Canada and on the territory of the Anishinaabeg, Haudenosaunee and the Wendat Peoples, the Department of Chemistry and Biology in the Faculty of Science at Toronto Metropolitan University [] (formerly Ryerson University) invites applications for a tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor effective July 1, 2025.
We are seeking an Environmental (Molecular) Biologist or Molecular/Systems Biologist with research emphasis on anthropogenic impacts at a molecular level to join our Department and advance our understanding of organisms and/or ecosystems through innovative approaches in molecular biology, genomics, multi-omics, and/or data science. The ideal candidate will have expertise in one or more of the following areas: genomics, multi-omics technologies (metagenomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, etc.), synthetic biology, biostatistics, bioinformatics, and/or AI-driven analysis. Applicants with a research focus on applications to microbiome ecology, environmental microbiology, disease ecology, fungal pathogens, plant ecology, and/or ecosystem health and function will be preferred. Applicants are encouraged to also highlight their potential for developing synergies with current areas of expertise and research focus in the Department. Candidates from groups underrepresented in STEM are particularly encouraged to apply.
We invite applicants whose research interests complement and enhance the Department of Chemistry and Biology’s existing strengths. We particularly encourage proposals that envision collaborative, synergistic research with current faculty, as we aim to foster a vibrant research community in ecology that embraces diverse subfields and interdisciplinary approaches. Candidates from groups underrepresented in STEM are particularly encouraged to apply.
The successful candidate will engage in a combination of teaching, scholarly research and creative activity and service duties while maintaining an inclusive, equitable, and collegial work environment across all activities. Teaching duties will entail teaching at undergraduate and graduate levels, supervision of students and/or curriculum development. The successful candidate will pursue a strong, innovative research program or creative activity that is externally funded and that produces cutting-edge, high quality results.
Candidates must hold a doctoral degree in Molecular Biology with an Environmental research focus, or a closely related field by the appointment date.
Candidates must hold a doctoral degree in Biology or a closely related field by the appointment date. Candidates who are all-but-dissertation (ABD) and are able to demonstrate that they are very close to completion may also be considered.

In addition, the successful candidate must present evidence of:

● strong emerging scholarly research and/or creative activity that is current, innovative and impactful as evidenced by, but not limited to, peer-reviewed publications, working papers, public policy contributions, presentations at academic conferences, community and professional work, grants, research related awards and other writing or creative production that contributes to the visibility and prominence of the discipline.
● demonstrated potential for teaching excellence at all levels of the undergraduate (in particular Biology) curriculum and suitability for teaching in the graduate (Molecular Science and Environmental Applied Science and Management) curriculum, as evidenced by a teaching dossier that includes a teaching philosophy statement, experience with course and curriculum review and/or development, examples of best practices in pedagogy, including effective use of classroom technology and any experience with experiential learning, sample syllabi, strong teaching evaluations, teaching awards, and other relevant achievements in teaching;

● commitment to our values of equity, diversity, and inclusion as it pertains to service, teaching, and scholarly research or creative activities, including a demonstrated ability to make learning accessible and inclusive for a diverse student population; and
● an ability and willingness to contribute to the life of the Faculty of Science in the Department of Chemistry and Biology and the University through collegial service.

Our committee recognizes that scholars have varying career paths and that career interruptions can be part of an excellent academic record. Candidates are encouraged to provide any relevant information about their experience and/or career interruptions.

This position falls under the jurisdiction of the Toronto Metropolitan Faculty Association [TFA] []. Visit us at to view the TFA collective agreement and a summary of TFA benefits.
Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU)
Serving a highly diverse student population of over 45,000, with 100+ undergraduate and graduate programs built on the integration of theoretical and practical learning and distinguished by a professionally focused curriculum with a strong emphasis on excellence in teaching, research and creative activities, TMU is a vibrant, urban university known for its culture of innovation, entrepreneurship, community engagement and city-building through its award-winning architecture.
Department of Chemistry and Biology, Faculty of Science
Our Department offers undergraduate and graduate (Master’s and Doctoral) programs to students of diverse backgrounds. Our faculty prides itself on the excellence of its research, the quality of its teaching and community engagement. We are interested in candidates who will contribute to our existing strengths in research/creative activity and teaching through academic, professional, and diverse lived experiences and perspectives. We are committed to equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility (EDI&A) in all of our teaching, service and research
Working at TMU
At the intersection of mind and action, Toronto Metropolitan University is on a transformative path to become Canada’s leading comprehensive innovation university. At TMU, we believe that equity, diversity and inclusion are integral to this path; our current academic plan outlines each as core values and we work to embed them in all that we do.

Dedicated to a people first culture, TMU is proud to rank number one on the Forbes list of Canada’s Best Employers for Diversity.

We invite you to explore the range of benefits and supports available to faculty, including access to our diverse faculty and staff networks.

Visit us on X (previously known as Twitter): @torontomet, @VPFAtorontomet and @TorontoMetHR, and our LinkedIn page.

TMU is committed to accessibility for persons with disabilities. To find out more about legal and policy obligations please visit the accessibility and Human Rights websites.

Toronto Metropolitan University welcomes those who have demonstrated a commitment to upholding the values of equity, diversity, and inclusion and will assist us to expand our capacity for diversity in the broadest sense. In addition, to correct the conditions of disadvantage in employment in Canada, we encourage applications from members of groups that have been historically disadvantaged and marginalized, including First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples, Indigenous peoples of North America, Black-identified persons, other racialized persons, persons with disabilities, and those who identify as women and/or 2SLGBTQ+.
How to Apply
Applicants must submit their application online via the Faculty Recruitment Portal [] by clicking on “Start Application Process” to begin. Applications, consisting of the following, must be received by February 06th, 2025:

● a letter of application;
● a curriculum vitae;
● a statement of research interests;
● a teaching dossier and results of teaching evaluations;
● and EDI statement that demonstrates the candidate’s committment to integration of EDI principles in research and teaching and
● names and contact information of three individuals who may be contacted for references.

Please note that all qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, applications from Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority, in accordance with Canadian immigration regulations.
Any confidential inquiries about the opportunity can be directed to the Department Hiring Committee Chair Dr. Daniel Foucher, at

Candidates who belong to one or more of the equity-deserving groups recognized at TMU are welcome to connect with Debbie Thompson [], Executive Director, Office of the Vice-President, Equity and Community Inclusion [].

Indigenous candidates who would like to learn more about working at Toronto Metropolitan University are welcome to contact James McKay, Indigenous Human Resources Lead at

For any confidential accommodation needs in order to participate in the recruitment and selection process and/or inquiries regarding accessing the Recruitment Portal, please contact

Application Email Address:

Company Name: Toronto Metropolitan University

Application Close Date: February 06, 2025

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Tenure Track Position in Community and/or Ecosystem Ecology
to Feb 6

Tenure Track Position in Community and/or Ecosystem Ecology

Job Title: Tenure Track Position in Community and/or Ecosystem Ecology

Location: Toronto

Job Type: Faculty

Description: Tenure Track Position in Community and/or Ecosystem Ecology

Located in downtown Toronto, the largest and most culturally diverse city in Canada and on the territory of the Anishinaabeg, Haudenosaunee and the Wendat Peoples, the Department of Chemistry and Biology in the Faculty of Science at Toronto Metropolitan University [] (formerly Ryerson University) invites applications for a tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor effective July 1, 2025.
We are seeking an Environmental (Molecular) Biologist or Molecular/Systems Biologist with research emphasis on anthropogenic impacts at a molecular level to join our Department and advance our understanding of organisms and/or ecosystems through innovative approaches in molecular biology, genomics, multi-omics, and/or data science. The ideal candidate will have expertise in one or more of the following areas: genomics, multi-omics technologies (metagenomics, transcriptomics, proteomics, etc.), synthetic biology, biostatistics, bioinformatics, and/or AI-driven analysis. Applicants with a research focus on applications to microbiome ecology, environmental microbiology, disease ecology, fungal pathogens, plant ecology, and/or ecosystem health and function will be preferred. Applicants are encouraged to also highlight their potential for developing synergies with current areas of expertise and research focus in the Department. Candidates from groups underrepresented in STEM are particularly encouraged to apply.
We invite applicants whose research interests complement and enhance the Department of Chemistry and Biology’s existing strengths. We particularly encourage proposals that envision collaborative, synergistic research with current faculty, as we aim to foster a vibrant research community in ecology that embraces diverse subfields and interdisciplinary approaches. Candidates from groups underrepresented in STEM are particularly encouraged to apply.
The successful candidate will engage in a combination of teaching, scholarly research and creative activity and service duties while maintaining an inclusive, equitable, and collegial work environment across all activities. Teaching duties will entail teaching at undergraduate and graduate levels, supervision of students and/or curriculum development. The successful candidate will pursue a strong, innovative research program or creative activity that is externally funded and that produces cutting-edge, high quality results.
Candidates must hold a doctoral degree in Molecular Biology with an Environmental research focus, or a closely related field by the appointment date.
Candidates must hold a doctoral degree in Biology or a closely related field by the appointment date. Candidates who are all-but-dissertation (ABD) and are able to demonstrate that they are very close to completion may also be considered.

In addition, the successful candidate must present evidence of:

● strong emerging scholarly research and/or creative activity that is current, innovative and impactful as evidenced by, but not limited to, peer-reviewed publications, working papers, public policy contributions, presentations at academic conferences, community and professional work, grants, research related awards and other writing or creative production that contributes to the visibility and prominence of the discipline.
● demonstrated potential for teaching excellence at all levels of the undergraduate (in particular Biology) curriculum and suitability for teaching in the graduate (Molecular Science and Environmental Applied Science and Management) curriculum, as evidenced by a teaching dossier that includes a teaching philosophy statement, experience with course and curriculum review and/or development, examples of best practices in pedagogy, including effective use of classroom technology and any experience with experiential learning, sample syllabi, strong teaching evaluations, teaching awards, and other relevant achievements in teaching;

● commitment to our values of equity, diversity, and inclusion as it pertains to service, teaching, and scholarly research or creative activities, including a demonstrated ability to make learning accessible and inclusive for a diverse student population; and
● an ability and willingness to contribute to the life of the Faculty of Science in the Department of Chemistry and Biology and the University through collegial service.

Our committee recognizes that scholars have varying career paths and that career interruptions can be part of an excellent academic record. Candidates are encouraged to provide any relevant information about their experience and/or career interruptions.

This position falls under the jurisdiction of the Toronto Metropolitan Faculty Association [TFA] []. Visit us at to view the TFA collective agreement and a summary of TFA benefits.
Toronto Metropolitan University (TMU)
Serving a highly diverse student population of over 45,000, with 100+ undergraduate and graduate programs built on the integration of theoretical and practical learning and distinguished by a professionally focused curriculum with a strong emphasis on excellence in teaching, research and creative activities, TMU is a vibrant, urban university known for its culture of innovation, entrepreneurship, community engagement and city-building through its award-winning architecture.
Department of Chemistry and Biology, Faculty of Science
Our Department offers undergraduate and graduate (Master’s and Doctoral) programs to students of diverse backgrounds. Our faculty prides itself on the excellence of its research, the quality of its teaching and community engagement. We are interested in candidates who will contribute to our existing strengths in research/creative activity and teaching through academic, professional, and diverse lived experiences and perspectives. We are committed to equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility (EDI&A) in all of our teaching, service and research
Working at TMU
At the intersection of mind and action, Toronto Metropolitan University is on a transformative path to become Canada’s leading comprehensive innovation university. At TMU, we believe that equity, diversity and inclusion are integral to this path; our current academic plan outlines each as core values and we work to embed them in all that we do.

Dedicated to a people first culture, TMU is proud to rank number one on the Forbes list of Canada’s Best Employers for Diversity.

We invite you to explore the range of benefits and supports available to faculty, including access to our diverse faculty and staff networks.

Visit us on X (previously known as Twitter): @torontomet, @VPFAtorontomet and @TorontoMetHR, and our LinkedIn page.

TMU is committed to accessibility for persons with disabilities. To find out more about legal and policy obligations please visit the accessibility and Human Rights websites.

Toronto Metropolitan University welcomes those who have demonstrated a commitment to upholding the values of equity, diversity, and inclusion and will assist us to expand our capacity for diversity in the broadest sense. In addition, to correct the conditions of disadvantage in employment in Canada, we encourage applications from members of groups that have been historically disadvantaged and marginalized, including First Nations, Métis and Inuit peoples, Indigenous peoples of North America, Black-identified persons, other racialized persons, persons with disabilities, and those who identify as women and/or 2SLGBTQ+.
How to Apply
Applicants must submit their application online via the Faculty Recruitment Portal [] by clicking on “Start Application Process” to begin. Applications, consisting of the following, must be received by February 06th, 2025:

● a letter of application;
● a curriculum vitae;
● a statement of research interests;
● a teaching dossier and results of teaching evaluations;
● and EDI statement that demonstrates the candidate’s committment to integration of EDI principles in research and teaching and
● names and contact information of three individuals who may be contacted for references.

Please note that all qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, applications from Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority, in accordance with Canadian immigration regulations.
Any confidential inquiries about the opportunity can be directed to the Department Hiring Committee Chair Dr. Daniel Foucher, at

Candidates who belong to one or more of the equity-deserving groups recognized at TMU are welcome to connect with Debbie Thompson [], Executive Director, Office of the Vice-President, Equity and Community Inclusion [].

Indigenous candidates who would like to learn more about working at Toronto Metropolitan University are welcome to contact James McKay, Indigenous Human Resources Lead at

For any confidential accommodation needs in order to participate in the recruitment and selection process and/or inquiries regarding accessing the Recruitment Portal, please contact

Application Email Address:

Company Name: Toronto Metropolitan University

Application Close Date: February 06, 2025

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MSc (or PhD) Position – Tailgate Environmental DNA Sequencing
to Jan 6

MSc (or PhD) Position – Tailgate Environmental DNA Sequencing

Job Title: MSc (or PhD) position – Tailgate environmental DNA sequencing

Location: Edmonton, AB

Job Type: Graduate Student

Description: Ecosystems are increasingly threatened by climate change, land use, and resource extraction. Reliable, up-to-date data on species distributions, community composition, and invasive/rare species are needed for informed ecosystem management. While this is a hurdle for remote ecosystems, eDNA techniques offer a solution. eDNA is studied using water sampling or other methods to collect DNA and cells shed into the environment by the organisms that inhabit it, allowing the non-invasive detection of the species present in the ecosystem. In-field eDNA methods development will enable field crews to rapidly adjust their sampling approach without having to return to the ecosystem when the species may no longer be present – for example, to increase sampling effort or minimize further disturbance if a species at risk is detected or take action if invasive species are detected.

Objectives: We are seeking a highly motivated MSc student to develop and validate in-field “tailgate” eDNA analysis methods. This will involve using a portable lab and MinION DNA sequencer to develop protocols to detect vertebrates, macroinvertebrates, and plants through eDNA metabarcoding. Exceptional PhD applicants will also be considered.

Team: You will work with a dynamic team of researchers including Dr. Clare Venney from the University of Alberta, Drs. Jori Harrison and Brian Eaton at InnoTech Alberta, Dr. Tyler Cobb from the Alberta Biodiversity Monitoring Institute (ABMI), and Dr. Matt Dyson from Ducks Unlimited Canada (DUC), and ABMI and DUC’s summer field teams.

Desired qualifications
• BSc in Biological Sciences, Environmental Science, or a related field
• Molecular lab experience (e.g., DNA extraction, PCR)
• A strong capacity for troubleshooting and a creative mindset
• Excellent teamwork, writing, and communication skills
• Experience or interest in bioinformatics
• Enthusiasm for fieldwork and travel (funded fieldwork and accommodations with ABMI/DUC field teams, travel to InnoTech Alberta’s Vegreville lab, conferences, etc.)

Interested candidates should send a detailed cover letter explaining their interest in the project, a current CV, and unofficial transcripts to venney[at]ualberta[dot]ca no later than January 6th, 2025. Applications will be reviewed as we receive them.

The anticipated start date is between March-May 2025 to accommodate the 2025 summer field season. The salary for this position is $25,197+/year and negotiable once a MITACS scholarship is secured.

Application Email Address:

Company Name: University of Alberta

Application Close Date: January 06, 2025

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Assistant Professor, Animal or Plant Physiology - Self-identified female equity group
to Feb 24

Assistant Professor, Animal or Plant Physiology - Self-identified female equity group

Job Title: Assistant Professor, Animal or Plant Physiology - Self-identified female equity group

Location: Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada

Job Type: Faculty

Description: The Department of Biology at the University of Regina invites applications for a tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level in the area of animal physiology or plant/cyanobacteria physiology, commencing July 1, 2025, or a mutually agreed upon date.

We are seeking an individual who studies the physiology of animals or plants/cyanobacteria. Applicants using modern molecular, biochemical, genetic, epigenetic and cellular tools to address fundamental questions about living animals or plants at the organismal level are encouraged to apply.

Candidates must have a PhD, a productive research record, and postdoctoral experience. Candidates will be evaluated on their prior excellence in research and training of highly qualified personnel at all levels as well as their future potential to establish an externally funded research program and teaching excellence, attract graduate students and collegiality. The successful candidate will teach undergraduate courses in Biology at all levels including their area of expertise.

The Department of Biology at the University of Regina ( has strong collaborative ties across the university, nationally, and internationally. The University of Regina holds a certificate of good animal practice from the Canadian Council of Animal Care and has excellent facilities for housing and research using animals and has plant growth facilities. The animal aquatics facility in the Department of Biology offers access to six temperature controlled 1500 L tanks and four living streams, two environmental chambers, and eight swimming respirometers ranging from 1.5 to 185 L. Our location in the heart of the northern Great Plains, numerous streams and lakes, and access to a brand-new University of Regina field station in the unique Cypress Uplands provide a wealth of opportunity to study the environmental physiology of plants and animals in native grasslands, boreal forests, freshwater, and agriculture. Biology is home to the George F. Ledingham Herbarium and the department benefits from a close relationship with the Royal Saskatchewan Museum through graduate students and adjunct faculty members. The Department of Biology is also home to world-class equipment, including confocal microscopy, proteomics and stable isotope facilities in the Institute for Environmental Change and Society’s (IECS) as well as the genetics and genomics facilities of the Institute for Microbial Systems and Society (IMSS).

To apply, the following documents must be submitted through the University of Regina online system at
• Cover letter
• Curriculum Vitae
• A research plan (up to 3 pages)
• A teaching and mentorship statement (up to 2 pages), including philosophy, teaching experience and teaching interests
• The names and contact information for three referees (uploaded as ‘other’ in the online application portal)

Questions can be directed to the Chair of the Search Committee at, with subject line “Physiologist search”.

The position will remain open until filled, with review starting on February 24, 2025. Only those candidates we seek to interview will be contacted.

The University of Regina values diversity and inclusion. While we strive to create a work environment that allows all individuals to thrive, including those in protected groups, this competition has been designated as being targeted for self-identified female equity group members. As a result, an offer of employment can only be extended to a qualified diversity candidates who self-declare as female. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. The University of Regina is committed to employment equity, diversity, and inclusivity, and strongly encourages applications from Indigenous persons, racialized individuals, and persons with disabilities. The University’s accommodation policies are available at: (contact: Director, Health, Safety & Wellness – 306-585-4776 (Medical Accommodations); Director, Faculty & Staff Relations – 306-585-4165 (Religious and Family Status Accommodations)).

The University of Regina main campus is situated on the traditional territories of the nêhiyawak, Anihsinapek, Nakoda, Dakota and Lakota people, and is the homeland of the Métis/Michif Nation.

Email Applications will not be accepted.
Individuals must apply at:

Application Email Address:

Company Name: University of Regina, Department of Biology

Application Close Date: February 24, 2025

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MSc Positions (multiple)
to Jan 15

MSc Positions (multiple)

Job Title: MSc Positions (multiple)

Location: Wolfville, Nova Scotia

Job Type: Graduate Student

Description: Research Opportunities!:
Biocontrol, Biodiversity, and Pest Management

We are currently seeking candidates for multiple MSc positions to conduct research on development of a biocontrol and integrated pest management strategy for invasive Hemlock Woolly Adelgid. Currently positions have flexible start dates within the next 9 months. Successful applicants will work with a team of researchers based at Acadia University in Nova Scotia, with Natural Resources – Canadian Forest Service in Fredericton, NB, as well as other academic institutions, and federal/provincial agencies.

MSc candidates (6) are being recruited for the following sub projects:
1. Characterization of insecticide exposure and impacts on soil biological communities in Hemlock forests (1MSc).
2. Investigating sublethal effects of non-target insecticide exposure on ground-nesting bumble bees (1MSc).
3. Quantification of community level changes of indicator species (i.e. birds) in hemlock forests due to HWA infestation and/or insecticidal treatments (1MSc).
4. Risk assessments of biocontrol agents in NS – molecular biology, detection, and prey diversity (2 MSc).
5. Impacts of chemical treatments for HWA management on canopy invertebrate biodiversity (1MSc).

Ideal candidates should have a BSc with some background experience in forestry, biology, entomology or chemistry backgrounds. Applicants with experience in molecular biology are particularly encouraged for option #4.

*We are also seeking applications for undergraduate positions (summer tech, co-op and honours opportunities) related to all projects above.

For all positions, they should be highly motivated, and have a keen interest in insect pest management and forest ecology. Must be able to work well independently and with a team, and have a good suite of communication and interpersonal skills.

Start date:
Positions are available starting May 2025 and applications are open until leading applicants are identified.

For more information, please contact Dr. Kirk Hillier.
Dr. Kirk Hillier
Biology, Acadia University

Application Email Address:

Company Name: Acadia University

Application Close Date: January 15, 2025

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Graduate Assistantship at Northern Michigan University - Marquette
to Jan 13

Graduate Assistantship at Northern Michigan University - Marquette

Job Title: Graduate Assistantship at Northern Michigan University - Marquette

Location: Marquette, MI, USA

Job Type: Graduate Student

Description: Interested in a Graduate Assistantship?

The Energetics Lab (Giroud) is now accepting applications for a motivated individual interested in obtaining a Master in Biology at Northern Michigan University starting in the Fall of 2025. The project aims at studying the effects of microclimates on hibernation and life-history traits in the Thirteen-Lined Ground Squirrel. More information about the Laboratory and about the position can be found at:

Application Email Address:

Company Name: Northern Michigan University

Application Close Date: January 13, 2025

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Assistant Collection Manager, Invertebrate
to Nov 18

Assistant Collection Manager, Invertebrate

Job Title: Assistant Collection Manager, Invertebrate

Location: Gatineau/Ottawa

Job Type: Graduate Student

Description: The incumbent will be responsible for enhancing the productivity of the Invertebrate Zoology Unit of the Research & Collections Division by providing scientific assistance to the curators and researchers, by managing the Insect Collection, participating in research activities, and publication of results, while providing expert advice and information to MCN staff, the scientific community and other external clients. The person will also contribute to scientific dissemination through the Museum's public and related programs.
The incumbent of this position will have the opportunity to participate in terrestrial fieldwork; however, the Museum encourages applications from a variety of candidates and will consider them on a confidential, individual basis and with due regard to any requests for workplace accommodation from candidates unable to participate in fieldwork or some collection care activities.

Application Email Address:

Company Name: Canadian Museum of Nature / Musée canadien de la Nature

Application Close Date: November 18, 2024

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Public Affairs Specialist
to Nov 30

Public Affairs Specialist

Job Title: Public Affairs Specialist

Location: Traverse City, MI

Job Type: Senior Researcher/Administrator

Description: Background: The bi-directional selective fish passage (FishPass; project at the Boardman/Ottaway River’s Union Street Dam in Traverse City, MI is a multi-agency collaboration aimed at providing up- and down-stream passage of desirable fishes while simultaneously blocking or removing undesirable and invasive fishes. FishPass is a multifaceted project that is prominently located in downtown Traverse City and, therefore, prominently featured to its many residents and visitors. The project will have broad effects on how the existing site is accessed and used. The community has a strong desire to integrate the river into the fabric of the city. FishPass provides an excellent opportunity to support community values among other critical ecosystem and socio-economic values, such as: 1) enhancing access and use of the site for education, wayfinding, and recreation; 2) improving public understanding of the threat from invasive species; 3) informing the public on the role of human landscape alterations on fisheries and communities; and 4) promoting engagement regarding broad objectives for the Boardman/Ottaway River, ecosystem management, and city planning. FishPass is currently under construction, and on-site selective fish passage research is expected to begin by 2027. In preparation for the opening of FishPass, the FishPass Advisory Board has prioritized the need to increase community outreach and education opportunities and ensure that Anishinaabek culture (past and present) is reflected in broader education and placemaking elements at FishPass. Responsibilities: The FishPass Public Affairs Specials (PAS) will be responsible for being the first point-of-contact for all visitors (including external researchers, media, school programs, tour groups, and the general public) to FishPass and will assist in the implementation of an existing FishPass Outreach and Education Plan. The PAS will be knowledgeable about the river, its ecology, the history of the site and its people, and FishPass and will effectively communicate that information to visitors. The PAS will lead and coordinate all tours of FishPass and collaborate with FishPass partner agencies to develop interpretive materials such as signage, webcasts, and brochures, develop and implement curricula for educational programs, develop and implement citizen-science activities, coordinate and provide teaching and learning opportunities for local school programs, and to coordinate and deliver group tours of the site. Qualifications: The ideal candidate must have a broad background in communications, education, and/or outreach. Knowledge of fishery biology/ecology, Great Lakes fisheries, invasive species, river restoration, and local knowledge including of Indigenous Peoples and cultures is preferred. Candidates must possess exceptional verbal and written communication skills, with a proven record of public engagement and public speaking, including science communication, and be skillful in interpretive natural history and ecology. Applicants are encouraged to submit a cover letter addressing competencies in the above qualifications, CV or resume, and names and contact information for three references to Dan Zielinski ( by November 30, 2024. The PAS will start at a GS-9 (salary $59,966-71,959 plus benefits, dependent on experience). The anticipated start date for the position is January 1, 2025 or sooner. The PAS will be stationed at the Great Lakes Fishery Commission office at 310 W. Front Street Traverse City, Michigan. Learn more about the Great Lakes Fishery Commission and FishPass here.

Application Email Address:

Company Name: Great Lakes Fishery Commission

Application Close Date: November 30, 2024

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Probationary Teaching Scholar Position in Scientific Methods in Biology
to Nov 15

Probationary Teaching Scholar Position in Scientific Methods in Biology

Job Title: Probationary Teaching Scholar Position in Scientific Methods in Biology

Location: London, ON

Job Type: Faculty

Description: The Department of Biology in the Faculty of Science at Western University invites applications for a Probationary Teaching Scholar in Scientific Methods in Biology. The successful candidate will be appointed at the rank of Assistant Professor in the Department of Biology ( Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. The anticipated start date of the appointment is July 1st, 2025, or as negotiated.
The successful candidate will participate in the delivery of undergraduate courses and programs, and engage in scholarship on teaching and learning, in the area of Scientific Methods in Biology.
The candidate will be an emerging or established teaching scholar who has a demonstrated, outstanding track record in classroom teaching and teaching innovation. The candidate is expected to contribute to the undergraduate teaching mission of the Department of Biology. The candidate will be expected to instruct undergraduate students in ecological fieldwork and laboratory methods, as well as scientific writing and communication.
Teaching Scholar appointments have a scholarship component. The candidate is expected to engage in scholarship activities which broaden the scope of their educational responsibilities, and to share this expertise with colleagues in their communities. Such scholarship activities may include curriculum development and evaluation, mentoring, and research on teaching and learning.
• PhD in Biology, Ecology, Evolution or another relevant discipline
• Experience teaching at the postsecondary level
• Experience in the scholarship of teaching and learning
• Excellence in undergraduate classroom teaching, as evidenced by, but not limited to:
- Innovative undergraduate course, curriculum, or laboratory/fieldwork design and assessment
- Outstanding teaching evaluations
- Teaching awards
- Secured funding for pedagogical projects
- The effective implementation of technology in curriculum delivery
- The use of teaching methods that enhance student engagement and learning
• Experience in providing high-impact learning experiences for undergraduate students
• Training in pedagogy or teaching at the university level
• Evidence of scholarship on teaching and learning, and an innovative plan for continued scholarship in this area
• Experience in teaching large enrollment classes
• Post-graduate degree in Education

Western University offers a full range of academic and professional programs for over 32,000 undergraduate and graduate students. General information about Western can be found at The Department of Biology ( delivers undergraduate programs in Biology and Genetics, as well as contributing to a number of interdisciplinary programs (e.g., Environmental Science, Animal Behaviour, Global Health), and delivering the “biocore” to a range of Medical Science programs.
Western University delivers an academic experience second to none. Western challenges the best and brightest faculty, staff and students to commit to the highest global standards. Our research excellence expands knowledge and drives discovery with real-world application. Western attracts individuals with a broad worldview, seeking to study, influence and lead in the international community. Since 1878, The Western Experience has combined academic excellence with life-long opportunities for intellectual, social and cultural growth in order to better serve our communities.
Complete application packages are to be submitted as a single PDF file in the following order:
1) A completed Application for Full-Time Faculty Position Form (available at )
2) A cover letter addressing how your expertise/experience and proposed scholarship activities fit this position (maximum 2 pages)
3) An up-to-date curriculum vitae
4) A plan for scholarship activities (maximum of 2 pages)
5) A teaching dossier that includes:
a) statement of teaching philosophy (maximum of 1 page)
b) evidence of past achievements in classroom teaching and assessment, curriculum development, and teaching innovation
c) a statement that addresses training in, approaches to and implementation of equity, diversity, and inclusion in undergraduate education (maximum of 1 page)
6) Contact details of at least three professionals who can provide letters of reference (do not include letters of reference in your application package)
The application package can be sent to:
Dr. David Coltman, Professor & Chair
Department of Biology
Western University
1151 Richmond St
London, Ontario N6A 5B7
Consideration of applications will begin on November 15th, 2024 and will continue until the position is filled. We thank all applicants for their interest, but only those selected for an interview will be contacted.
Positions are subject to budget approval. Applicants should have fluent written and oral communication skills in English. The University invites applications from all qualified individuals. Western is committed to employment equity and diversity in the workplace and welcomes applications from women, members of racialized groups, Indigenous persons, persons with disabilities, persons of any sexual orientation, and persons of any gender identity or gender expression.
In accordance with Canadian immigration requirements, priority will be given to Canadian citizens and permanent residents.
Accommodations are available for applicants with disabilities throughout the recruitment process. If you require accommodations for interviews or other meetings, please contact
Posted on Faculty Relations website on October 2-2024.
Posting number: SCI-BIO-2024-051

Application Email Address:

Company Name: University of Western Ontario

Application Close Date: November 15, 2024

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Assistant Collection Manager, Invertebrate
to Oct 15

Assistant Collection Manager, Invertebrate

Job Title: Assistant Collection Manager, Invertebrate

Location: Gatineau, QC

Job Type: Senior Researcher/Administrator

Description: ME-05 - $71,754 to $87,705 per year
Permanent full-time position (37.5 hours per week)
Work Location: Natural Heritage Campus (NHC),– Gatineau, QC

Selection process number: 2090-CMN-24-OC-047

Your place at the Museum
We value diversity and believe we benefit from working in a place where everyone feels included and where the unique qualities and strengths inherent in a diverse workforce are combined. We welcome applications from persons who may identify as a member of one or more other equity seeking groups (for e.g. women, visible minorities, Indigenous peoples, persons with disabilities, 2SLGBTQIA+, religious or cultural minority).

You have a place at the Museum!

About the position
The incumbent will be responsible for enhancing the productivity of the Invertebrate Zoology Unit of the Research & Collections Division by providing scientific assistance to the curators and researchers, by managing the Insect Collection, participating in research activities, and publication of results, while providing expert advice and information to MCN staff, the scientific community and other external clients. The person will also contribute to scientific dissemination through the Museum's public and related programs.

The incumbent of this position will have the opportunity to participate in terrestrial fieldwork; however, the Museum encourages applications from a variety of candidates and will consider them on a confidential, individual basis and with due regard to any requests for workplace accommodation from candidates unable to participate in fieldwork or some collection care activities.

Working at the museum means:
• Contributing to an engaging mission as well as exciting projects and challenges
• An inclusive, friendly and safe work environment
• A competitive salary established by collective agreements
• Access to federal public service group insurance and pension plans

Eligibility criteria
This position is open to all Employees of the Canadian Museum of Nature and any members of the public who meet the qualifications below.
*Candidates must be legally entitled to work in Canada.

Education and training:
B.Sc. or graduate degree in Biology or a related field (e.g., Zoology, Ecology, Environmental Science, etc.), or a demonstrated equivalent combination of experience, education and training, with emphasis on Entomology.

Language requirements:
English and French are essential
Bilingual imperative : CBC/CBC

• Experience in the management of insect collections, including but not limited to specimen preparation, identification and classification, taxonomic and systematic organization, and data capture.
• Experience working with natural history collections, including care, cataloguing, loans and acquisitions of preserved invertebrate specimens.
• Experience in handling and dissecting fragile specimens.
• Experience working with natural history collection databases to catalogue and digitize specimen records.
• Experience in the fieldwork preparation and logistics, and in collecting insects in terrestrial environments.
• Experience using computers in a scientific environment, including use of common office software (e.g., SharePoint, Microsoft 365 suite).
The following experience will be considered an asset:
• Experience in the identification of terrestrial beetles.
• Experience in managing large datasets.
• Experience working with Geographic Information Systems (GIS).
• Experience with Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, or other image editing programs to prepare quality figures for publications.
• Experience with specimen imaging systems under stereomicroscopes, particularly with the use of image stacking software.
• Experience with rapid-data-capture technologies such as high-volume specimen imaging and crowdsourcing.
• Experience in one or more of the following techniques related to systematics and species/community identification: species description, molecular or morphological systematics, DNA barcoding, environmental DNA (eDNA).
• Experience interacting with the public in various fora, such as group/class presentations, meet-the-expert events, and collection tours.
• Experience with the process of scientific publication in peer-reviewed scientific journals.

Conditions of employment:
The position may require arduous physical work in the Museum’s invertebrate collections, as well as fieldwork activities in remote environments (please note that the employer will consider, on a confidential and individual basis, any request for temporary accommodation from candidates who are temporarily unable to participate in fieldwork or some collection care activities.)

Interested? APPLY!
The Canadian Museum of Nature is committed to inclusive and barrier-free selection processes and work environments. If you are invited to participate in the selection process, we encourage you to advise us of any accommodation you may require. This information will be treated as confidential.

The Statement of Qualifications, providing greater detail about the skills, knowledge and aptitudes needed for this role, can be obtained by contacting the Museum at

All candidates must submit a cover letter, outlining how their experience and training meet the requirements listed above, as well as their curriculum vitae and relevant transcripts.

Send your application by filling in the form on the Museum’s Careers page where you can upload your cover letter, curriculum vitae and any other required documents.

Application Email Address:

Company Name: Canadian Museum of Nature

Application Close Date: October 15, 2024

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Assistant Professor of Biology – Genetics
to Oct 20

Assistant Professor of Biology – Genetics

Job Title: Assistant Professor of Biology – Genetics

Location: Muncie, Indiana

Job Type: Faculty

Description: Application URL:

Description: The Department of Biology at Ball State University invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Genetics. This is a full-time, 9-month, benefit-eligible position offering a competitive salary and a generous start-up package.

The successful candidate can teach Genetics at the undergraduate and graduate level, and Genomics, Bioinformatics, or a specialty course within the Genetics Concentration. Such courses may also contribute to the Biology Department’s Biotechnology Certificate Program. Other teaching assignments may include Advanced Genetics or Introductory Biology courses. The candidate should also be able to develop an externally funded research program that will involve undergraduate and Master’s students in novel avenues of investigation in the field of genetics, while complementing and collaborating with current faculty in the Department of Biology and/or the BSU Center for Medical Education. The department is particularly interested in a broadly trained geneticist, and those with research programs in any subdiscipline of Genetics are encouraged to apply.

The strongest candidates will have a record of accomplished teaching at the undergraduate and graduate level, demonstrated evidence of outstanding scholarship in the form of peer-reviewed publications, and potential for external funding.

The Department of Biology benefits from strong institutional support, promotes collaborations amongst faculty, and shares core research and teaching equipment. We are especially interested in candidates who will contribute to a campus climate that supports equity, diversity, and belonging. Our faculty are collegial, collaborative, innovative, inclusive, and adaptive, both within and beyond one’s home unit. These attributes include commitments to collaborative discourse, interdisciplinary inquiry, and enterprising learning practices.

Minimum Qualifications: Earned doctorate in Biology or related field (at time of appointment) from an accredited college or university. Evidence of scholarly productivity demonstrated by at least one publication in a peer-reviewed journal.

Preferred Qualifications: Demonstrated teaching ability in Genetics using student-centered learning techniques; effective written and oral communication skills; commitment to excellence in teaching; competency in current research concepts and approaches; evidence of inclusion of students in research programs; evidence of scholarly activity, such as postdoctoral experience, publications, and successful procurement of external grants; established research agenda that complements existing departmental research programs; potential to increase the inclusion of more diverse undergraduate and graduate student researchers; and collaborative potential with existing faculty at Ball State University.

Inclusive Excellence/EEO: Ball State University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer that is strongly and actively committed to diversity within its community. Women, minorities, individuals with disabilities and protected veterans are strongly encouraged to apply. All qualified applicants will receive equal consideration for employment without regard to race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, age, disability, protected veteran status or any other legally protected status.

Application Email Address:

Company Name: Ball State University

Application Close Date: October 20, 2024

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Assistant Professor of Biology – Immunology
to Oct 15

Assistant Professor of Biology – Immunology

Job Title: Assistant Professor of Biology – Immunology

Location: Muncie, Indiana

Job Type: Faculty

Description: Application URL:

Description: The Department of Biology at Ball State University invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Immunology. This is a full-time, 9-month, benefit-eligible position offering a competitive salary and a generous start-up package.

The successful candidate will be able to teach undergraduate courses in Immunology, Cell Biology, and introductory biology. Other teaching assignments may include Virology, Animal Parasitology, or other courses in the applicant’s area of expertise and may contribute to the Biology Department’s Biotechnology Certificate Program. The candidate should also be able to develop an externally funded research program that will involve undergraduate and Master’s students in novel avenues of investigation in the field of immunology/virology, while complementing and collaborating with current faculty in the Department of Biology and/or the BSU Center for Medical Education. The department is particularly interested in biologists whose research programs center around Immunology, Virology, Animal Parasitology, or related subdisciplines.

The strongest candidates will have a record of accomplished teaching at the undergraduate and graduate level, demonstrated evidence of outstanding scholarship in the form of peer-reviewed publications, and potential for external funding.

The Department of Biology benefits from strong institutional support, promotes collaborations amongst faculty, and shares core research and teaching equipment. We are especially interested in candidates who will contribute to a campus climate that supports equity, diversity, and belonging. Our faculty are collegial, collaborative, innovative, inclusive, and adaptive, both within and beyond one’s home unit. These attributes include commitments to collaborative discourse, interdisciplinary inquiry, and enterprising learning practices.

Minimum Qualifications: Earned doctorate in Biology or related field (at time of appointment) from an accredited college or university. Evidence of scholarly productivity demonstrated by at least one publication in a peer-reviewed journal.

Preferred Qualifications: Demonstrated teaching ability in Immunology using student-centered learning techniques; effective written and oral communication skills; commitment to excellence in teaching; competency in current research concepts and approaches; evidence of scholarly activity, such as postdoctoral experience, publications, and successful procurement of external grants; established research agenda that complements existing departmental research programs; potential to increase the inclusion of more diverse undergraduate and graduate student researchers; and collaborative potential with existing faculty at Ball State University.

Inclusive Excellence/EEO: Ball State University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer that is strongly and actively committed to diversity within its community. Women, minorities, individuals with disabilities and protected veterans are strongly encouraged to apply. All qualified applicants will receive equal consideration for employment without regard to race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, age, disability, protected veteran status or any other legally protected status.

Application Email Address:

Company Name: Ball State University

Application Close Date: October 15, 2024

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Tenure-Track Assistant Professor of Teaching – Department of Zoology
to Dec 13

Tenure-Track Assistant Professor of Teaching – Department of Zoology

Job Title: Tenure-Track Assistant Professor of Teaching – Department of Zoology in the Faculty of Science at the University of British Columbia, Vancouver

Location: Vancouver, BC

Job Type: Faculty

Description: The expected starting salary range for this position is $105,000 to $130,000 per year.

Position description

The Department of Zoology at The University of British Columbia seeks candidates for an Assistant Professor of Teaching position in the tenure-track Educational Leadership stream, focused on Biostatistics and Data Science in the Biology undergraduate program.

The UBC Biology Program, which is administered by the Zoology and Botany departments, places a premium on excellent teaching. The successful candidate would join 15 other tenure-track or tenured faculty in the Educational Leadership stream. Our program consists of courses ranging from large multi-section courses to small specialty courses. We expect a successful candidate to implement state-of-the-art approaches to teaching and learning and to demonstrate innovation in pedagogy. The position is based at UBC’s Vancouver campus. UBC’s campuses are located on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territories of the Syilx (Okanagan) Peoples and of the Coast Salish Peoples, including the territories of the xwməθkwəy̓əm (Musqueam), Skwxwú7mesh (Squamish), and Stó:lō and Səl̓ílwətaʔ/Selilwitulh (Tsleil Waututh) Nations.

Applicants must have a background in biology or biomedical science and a strong foundation in statistics relevant for the biological sciences. A PhD and teaching experience in biostatistics are valued but not required. Candidates must demonstrate the ability or strong potential to teach large enrollment courses in biostatistics and biology (appropriate to their background) at various levels of undergraduate instruction. Successful candidates will demonstrate evidence of outstanding teaching ability and the potential to contribute to ongoing curriculum and course development. Candidates must be committed to improving biology teaching, engaging with discipline-based educational research, and leading collaborative teaching teams. They will have a strong commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion, to create a welcoming community for all, particularly for those who are historically, persistently or systemically marginalized.

Initial duties of the position will include: teaching biostatistics (specifically, BIOL 300 Fundamentals of Biostatistics); the coordination of the teaching team for multiple sections of biostatistics lectures and tutorials using R (including supervision and training of graduate teaching assistants); and teaching in other biology courses appropriate to the candidate’s expertise.

As the successful candidate moves towards promotion and tenure, they will take on Educational Leadership roles which fit their skills and interests and the needs of the biology program. These roles may include the development of tutorials to incorporate basic statistics and data science principles into first and second-year biology courses, course development, pedagogical research and innovation, and curriculum development. As a member of the UBC Educational Leadership stream, the candidate is expected to demonstrate promise of strong educational leadership, and is expected to meet the requirements for promotion and tenure within the prescribed time frame (as described here: and To facilitate educational leadership roles, there will be opportunities to work in collaboration with Science Education Specialists ( in the Biology program on course or curriculum development, or projects to assess pedagogy. In addition to the duties outlined above, the candidate is expected to participate actively in departmental activities, service, events, and initiatives.

How to apply

Application packages should be submitted as a single PDF document, uploaded to Academic Jobs Online:

It must include:
(1) Cover letter (up to 2 pages) describing interest and overall fit to the position as described above, addressed to the search committee chair, Prof. Michael Whitlock
(2) Curriculum vitae, including teaching experience and evidence of teaching effectiveness (e.g., course evaluation summaries, teaching recognition/awards, etc.)
(3) Teaching statement (up to 2 pages) outlining your teaching interests and philosophy
(4) Diversity statement (up to 1 page) describing your lived background experience (if comfortable), and your past experience and future plans regarding working with a diverse student body, and contributing to a culture of equity and inclusion.
(5) Contact information for three or more people willing to serve as references

The closing date for applications is December 13, 2024 at 5:00pm PST with the appointment anticipated to begin on or after July 1, 2025.

UBC hires on the basis of merit and is committed to employment equity. Equity and diversity are essential to academic excellence. An open and diverse community fosters the inclusion of voices that have been underrepresented or discouraged. Inclusion is built by individual and institutional responsibility through continuous engagement with diversity to inspire people, ideas, and actions for a better world. We encourage applications from members of groups that have been marginalized on any grounds enumerated under the B.C. Human Rights Code, including sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, racialization, disability, political belief, religion, marital or family status, age, and/or status as a First Nation, Métis, Inuk, or Indigenous person. UBC acknowledges that certain circumstances may cause career interruptions that legitimately affect an applicant’s record of research or educational leadership achievement. We encourage applicants to note in their applications whether they would like consideration given to the impact of any circumstances, such as those due to health or family reasons, in order to allow for a fair assessment of their research productivity.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority, and members of historically marginalized groups will be given special consideration.

If you have any needs or questions regarding accommodations or accessibility during the job application, recruitment and hiring process or for more information and support, please visit UBC’s Center For Workplace Accessibility website at or contact the Centre at

The University is committed to creating and maintaining an accessible work environment for all members of its workforce. Within this hiring process we will make efforts to create an accessible process for all candidates (including but not limited to disabled people). Confidential accommodations are available on request by contacting the Zoology Manager of HR Services (

Application Email Address:

Company Name: University of BC

Application Close Date: December 13, 2024

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Assistant Professor in Integrative Organismal Biology
to Oct 15

Assistant Professor in Integrative Organismal Biology

Job Title: Assistant Professor in Integrative Organismal Biology

Location: Department of Zoology, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver

Job Type: Faculty

Description: The Department of Zoology in the Faculty of Science at The University of British Columbia in Vancouver seeks candidates for an Assistant Professor position in Integrative Organismal Biology. We seek outstanding individuals with innovative and integrative research programs in any area of animal biology that would extend and/or complement existing faculty strengths in our Comparative Animal Physiology and Biomechanics group. This position has an expected start date no earlier than July 1, 2025, and a salary within the range of $125,000 - $160,000.

The position requires a minimum of a Ph.D. degree in a related field, a demonstrated research record and evidence of capability for teaching in the area of integrative animal biology. The successful candidate should also have evidence of their potential to establish and conduct an internationally competitive and externally funded research program, develop teaching excellence at the undergraduate and graduate levels, effectively mentor and supervise graduate and undergraduate students, and have the potential for leadership and service to their Department, University, and academic/scientific community. Postdoctoral experience is preferred. In particular, we encourage those who take a mechanistic approach to organismal biology, will expand our research and teaching approaches, and will interact with the large and diverse group of biologists in the Department of Zoology. The successful candidate will have a strong commitment to equity, diversity, and inclusion, creating a welcoming community for all, particularly those who are historically, persistently, or systemically marginalized.

The successful applicant will become a member of the Department of Zoology (, a member of the Comparative Physiology and Biomechanics research cluster and will have the option to join the Biodiversity Research Centre (BRC, The Department of Zoology includes nearly 50 principal investigators and promotes integrative research in biology. Its faculty and students pursue cutting-edge questions in Comparative Animal Physiology, Biomechanics, Evolution, Ecology, and Cell and Developmental Biology. The Department of Zoology has exceptional facilities for housing aquatic animals and insects, and there are university-level facilities for housing a wide range of other taxa. The department is also associated with the Beaty Biodiversity Museum, which houses over 2 million biological specimens, enabling a wide variety of taxonomic research.

UBC’s campuses are located on the traditional, ancestral, and unceded territories of the Syilx (Okanagan) Peoples and of the Coast Salish Peoples, including the territories of the xwməθkwəy̓əm (Musqueam), Skwxwú7mesh (Squamish), and Stó:lō and Səl̓ílwətaʔ/Selilwitulh (Tsleil Waututh) Nations.

How to apply

Applications must be submitted through Academic Jobs Online: and addressed to Dr Philip Matthews, chair of the search committee. Include the following as a single pdf:

1. Cover letter (up to 2 pages) that outlines:
• Your research vision and accomplishments
• How your expertise, scholarship and planned research will integrate with the Department of Zoology and the Comparative Physiology and Biomechanics research cluster.
• How you have displayed leadership through existing or proposed research, teaching, service, community engagement, outreach, contributions to equity, diversity and inclusion, or other relevant activities.

2. Curriculum vitae, including a list of publications.

3. Statement (up to 2 pages) describing your current and proposed research program.

4. Statement (up to 1 page) of teaching and mentoring interests and accomplishments, and a brief description of those core and specialist topics you would be excited to teach.

5. Diversity statement (1 page) describing your lived background experience (if comfortable), and your past experience and future plans regarding working with a diverse student body, and contributing to a culture of equity and inclusion.

6. Applicants should provide the names and contact information for 3 references. Letters will be requested for a subset of candidates at a later stage of the evaluation process. Applicants should ensure that all of the listed individuals are willing to provide a letter of reference if requested.

The closing date for applications is October 15, 2024 at 5:00pm PST.

UBC hires on the basis of merit and is committed to employment equity. Equity and diversity are essential to academic excellence. An open and diverse community fosters the inclusion of voices that have been underrepresented or discouraged. Inclusion is built by individual and institutional responsibility through continuous engagement with diversity to inspire people, ideas, and actions for a better world. We encourage applications from members of groups that have been marginalized on any grounds enumerated under the B.C. Human Rights Code, including sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, racialization, disability, political belief, religion, marital or family status, age, and/or status as a First Nation, Métis, Inuk, or Indigenous person. UBC acknowledges that certain circumstances may cause career interruptions that legitimately affect an applicant’s record of research or educational leadership achievement. We encourage applicants to note in their applications whether they would like consideration given to the impact of any circumstances, such as those due to health or family reasons, in order to allow for a fair assessment of their research productivity.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority, and members of historically marginalized groups will be given special consideration.

If you have any needs or questions regarding accommodations or accessibility during the job application, recruitment and hiring process or for more information and support, please visit UBC’s Center For Workplace Accessibility website at or contact the Centre at

The University is committed to creating and maintaining an accessible work environment for all members of its workforce. Within this hiring process we will make efforts to create an accessible process for all candidates (including but not limited to disabled people). Confidential accommodations are available on request by contacting the Zoology Manager of HR Services at

Application Email Address:

Company Name: UBC

Application Close Date: October 15, 2024

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Tenure-Track Appointment: Thelma Finlayson Chair in Biological Control
to Sep 17

Tenure-Track Appointment: Thelma Finlayson Chair in Biological Control

Job Title: Tenure-track appointment: Thelma Finlayson Chair in Biological Control

Location: Burnaby, BC

Job Type: Faculty

Description: The Department of Biological Sciences (BISC) at Simon Fraser University invites applications, from Canadian and international researchers, for a full-time tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant or Associate Professor for the Thelma Finlayson Chair in Biological Control. This Chair is funded through a substantial endowment from the late Professor Thelma Finlayson (Order of Canada).

We invite applications from outstanding, early-career scientists from a broad range of disciplines related to biological control or pest management, including but not limited to applied insect biology, plant-insect interactions, invasion biology, and plant or insect genetics, biotechnology, or genomics, in any forest, agricultural, horticultural, urban or natural ecosystem. The position would begin no earlier than September 2025. The successful candidate should have demonstrated research excellence through a strong publication record in internationally recognized, peer-reviewed journals and be a current or future leader in their field. The new hire will be expected to contribute to development and teaching of new or existing courses related to biological control and pest management, as well as other core undergraduate and graduate courses in BISC’s program. We encourage applications from researchers who will contribute to the Department’s efforts in supporting equity, diversity and inclusion.

About Biological Sciences and SFU

The Department of Biological Sciences (BISC) was established at SFU in 1965, making it one of the younger Biology Departments in Canada. BISC remains a broad-based Biology Department with research interests of faculty ranging from cell and molecular biology, through organismal biology and physiology, to ecology, evolutionary biology and conservation. We currently comprise 30 research faculty and 9 teaching faculty, with ~650 Undergraduate majors and ~100 Graduate students. The Department has research groups in behavioural ecology (eBERG), applied biology (with a Masters of Environmental Toxicology), cell biology (Centre for Cell Biology, Development and Disease - C2D2), aquatic conservation (Earth2Ocean), avian ecology and conservation (the Centre for Wildlife Ecology - CWE), and evolutionary biology (Crawford Lab of Evolutionary Studies). Situated on the Burnaby campus, Biological Sciences is a short walk from the University Childcare Centre, athletic facilities, and scenic hiking trails.

Simon Fraser University (SFU) is one of Canada’s top-ranked comprehensive universities. With three campuses located in beautiful British Columbia’s largest municipalities – Vancouver, Burnaby, and Surrey - our students, faculty, and staff are privileged to live and work on the traditional unceded territories of the xʷməθkʷəy̓əm (Musqueam), Sḵwx̱wú7mesh Úxwumixw (Squamish), səlilwətaɬ (Tsleil-Waututh), q̓íc̓əy̓ (Katzie), kʷikʷəƛ̓əm (Kwikwetlem), Qayqayt, Kwantlen, Semiahmoo and Tsawwassen peoples. Consistently ranked as one of Canada’s top employers, SFU’s takes pride in fostering a supportive and accommodating environment for all our members.

Core duties of an Assistant or Associate Professor in Biological Sciences

• Research: Develop an externally funded research program including supervising and mentoring graduate students and highly qualified personnel in research training, and disseminating discoveries through peer-reviewed publications, conference presentations, and other forums appropriate to the discipline.
• Teaching: Teach undergraduate and graduate courses including contributions to core, large-enrollment lower-division courses, and curriculum and program development.
• Service: Perform service to the Department and the University, such as serving on committees and participating in departmental initiatives.

Qualifications for Assistant Professor

Excellence in research and teaching are the primary criteria for this position. The successful candidate must hold a PhD in any area of biology related to pest management or biological control by the employment start date.

The candidate must demonstrate:
• a strong record of research productivity commensurate with their experience;
• establishment of, or potential for, a successful research program;
• potential for excellence in teaching at both the undergraduate and graduate level;
• potential for excellence in supervision of graduate students

Qualifications for Associate Professor

Excellence in research and teaching are the primary criteria for this position. The successful candidate must hold a PhD in any area of biology related to pest management or biological control. Only those holding or expected to hold the rank prior to the employment start date will be considered.

The candidate must demonstrate:
• a strong record of research productivity commensurate with their experience;
• evidence of establishment of a successful, externally-funded research program;
• evidence of success in teaching at both the undergraduate and graduate level;
• evidence of supervision of graduate students;
• demonstrated contribution to the academic community and potential contribution to the Department, Faculty and University’s academic community.

The typical workload distribution for tenure-track Assistant or Associate Professors at SFU is 40% research, 40% teaching, and 20% service. In carrying out these duties, the successful candidate will advance BISC’s goals to foster equity, diversity, and inclusion by working to eliminate the barriers that impede the ability of department members from historically underrepresented and marginalized populations to achieve their full potential. The successful candidate will foster a positive and inclusive working environment through respectful interactions with all faculty, staff, and students. The responsibilities, terms and conditions of employment of research faculty are listed in the SFU-SFUFA Collective Agreement.

Faculty salaries at SFU are based on the salary scales bargained between the University and the SFU Faculty Association. A reasonable estimate of the base salary range for this role at the Assistant Professor rank is $104,700 - $133,322 (dependent on experience). A reasonable estimate of the base salary range for this role at the Associate Professor rank is $130,142 - $155,584 (dependent on experience).

The Successful Candidate

The following credentials, skills, expertise, experience, values, and attitudes comprise the desired qualifications.
The successful candidate must:

• Hold a PhD in any area of biology related to pest management or biological control.
• Have demonstrated excellence in research related to pest management or biological control. Criteria for assessment of excellence could include:
o extensive experience conducting scientific studies in the specified research area,
o high-quality scientific publications in leading peer-reviewed journals of the field,
o awards and/or secured external funding (including scholarships),
o dissemination of research contribution via conferences and seminars,
• Articulate a compelling vision for a research program that addresses questions of fundamental importance to the field and has clear potential to attract top-quality trainees, extramural funding, new scientific collaborations, and uptake by knowledge users.
• Show clear evidence of, or potential for, excellence as a mentor of graduate students and research trainees, especially those from equity-deserving groups.
• Demonstrate deep and broad knowledge of fields related to biological control to teach undergraduate and graduate courses effectively in these areas.
• Outstanding interpersonal and communication skills (oral and written, in English) including, but not limited to, strong listening skills, valuing and respecting diverse perspectives, and a collaborative disposition.

The following qualifications are considered assets:

• Collaborations with other national and international researchers in their field of study
• Invited talks at national/international meetings
• Strong potential for effective knowledge translation and community engagement (e.g., with provincial, national and international organisations).
• Evidence of a keen interest in teaching, strong pedagogical skills, and effectiveness in fostering inclusive learning environments.
• Strong potential to be an engaged academic citizen, in part by demonstrating a record of volunteerism and participation in service activities, such as committee work, outreach initiatives, etc.
• Evidence of past contributions to enhancing equity, diversity, and inclusion within research, service, and teaching, understanding of inclusive teaching and mentoring, and how the candidate would meet the needs of equity deserving students.

How To Apply

Candidates should address their applications to Dr. Tony D. Williams, Chair of the Search Committee. Informal enquiries about this position can be directed to Tony Williams (
Applications should consist of a single PDF file inclusive of, and bookmarked for, the following components:
• A concise cover letter (maximum two pages) that addresses the following items: 1) reasons for applying to the position, and 2) a narrative description highlighting evidence that the candidate meets the job qualifications and can effectively perform the listed job duties.
• A complete up-to-date curriculum vitae that lists the candidate’s education and employment history, publications and conference presentations, funding and awards, student supervision, collaborations/partnerships, teaching experience, and service activities.
• A research statement (maximum two pages) that describes the candidate’s research experience, goals, and a five-year plan for their research program.
• Three examples of peer-reviewed published scholarly work.
• A teaching statement (maximum two pages) that describes the candidate’s teaching philosophy, teaching experience, and evidence of teaching effectiveness.
• A statement (maximum one page) describing past or potential contributions to enhancing equity, diversity, and inclusion within research, service, and teaching. With regards to the latter component, candidates should discuss their experience with, and/or understanding of, inclusive teaching and mentoring, and how the candidate would meet the needs of equity deserving students.
• The names, titles, and email addresses of 3 referees who are qualified to assess the candidate’s research, service and, if possible, teaching capabilities. Referees will be contacted by SFU for candidates advancing to the later stages of the selection process.
• Please indicate your legal status to work in Canada.

All application materials should be submitted as a single pdf via an online application form:

Full consideration will be given to applications received by September 17, 2024. Applications received after this deadline may be reviewed if the position is still open.

SFU offers several benefits and services aimed at creating a more inclusive and accessible campus community for faculty; please see the Faculty Relations, Benefits and Service page for more details. SFU is also committed to ensuring that the application process is accessible to all applicants. If you require accommodations or have questions about SFU benefits, services, accommodations policies, or equity considerations, please contact the Specialist, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Faculty Relations.

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority. Personal information that forms part of an application is collected under the general authority of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, applicable University Policies, and the SFUFA/SFU Collective Agreement. For further details see the full the Collection Notice.

The position is subject to availability of funding and approval by the SFU Board of Governors.

Application Email Address:

Company Name: Simon Fraser University

Application Close Date: September 17, 2024

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PhD in Hibernation Biology
to Nov 1

PhD in Hibernation Biology

Job Title: PhD in hibernation biology

Location: Montreal

Job Type: Graduate Student

Description: Project: The project will explore gut microbial contributions to hibernation metabolism from basic and applied perspectives.
Opportunities to: learn/refine a range of technical skills including metabolomics, proteomics and wet lab techniques; conduct fieldwork; help establish a new hibernation facility at the University of Montreal; attend conferences, from regional to international; learn/refine your French through a free university program.
Funding and remuneration: fully funded project with no less than $23,000 per year (TAing will enhance this).
Our lab: We are a growing group of inclusive science enthusiasts located in UdeM's diverse Biological Sciences Department. Please visit to learn a little bit more about us and some of the things we hold to be true.
Details: All details for the position can be found at
Due date: September 13, 2024.

Application Email Address:

Company Name: Université de Montréal

Application Close Date: November 01, 2024

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Graduate Positions to Study the Physiology and Control of Sea Lamprey
to Feb 1

Graduate Positions to Study the Physiology and Control of Sea Lamprey

Job Title: Graduate Positions to Study the Physiology and Control of Sea Lamprey

Location: Wilfrid Laurier University or University of Manitoba

Job Type: Graduate Student

Description: Lampreys are ancient, jawless fishes that diverged from the main vertebrate lineage over 400 million years ago. All lampreys begin life as filter-feeding larvae before they undergo metamorphosis into juvenile lampreys that have a sucker-like oral disc. Some species, such as the sea lamprey, are parasitic and feed on the blood of fishes. The invasion of the Great Lakes by sea lamprey in the early 20th century contributed to the collapse of many important fisheries. Populations are now controlled using chemicals called lampricides and dams that block their migration. We are hiring at least four students (2 MSc, 2 PhD) to learn more about sea lamprey physiology and to improve methods of sea lamprey control in the Great Lakes.

Graduate projects may focus on: (i) the effects of warming temperatures due to climate change on the physiology of sea lamprey and the effectiveness of lampricides; (ii) how native, non-parasitic lamprey species respond to changing environments and lampricides; (iii) how metabolism, gill structure and function change during the sea lamprey life cycle as they move between freshwater and seawater environments.

In partnership with collaborators at the University of Manitoba, students will perform field collections of larval lampreys throughout Ontario and Eastern Canada and conduct their studies in Laurier’s fully equipped biology labs and aquatic facilities. PhD positions to conduct genetic analyses will be hosted at the University of Manitoba. Methods and skills to be learned will be project dependent and may include molecular biology (e.g. mRNA expression, protein quantification), immunohistochemistry to study tissue structure and function, biochemical assays of energy stores, metabolites, and stress hormones in different organs and tissues (e.g. gills, muscle, liver), and respirometry to measure whole animal metabolic rate.

Qualifications: Interested students should have training in the biological sciences or a related discipline, preferably with research experience obtained by completing an MSc thesis, B.Sc. undergraduate research project, or volunteer work. A minimum B average is required for admittance to either MSc or PhD programs.

Preferred Starting date: 2024 or 2025.

Financial support: The minimum level of financial support will be $ 25,630/year for M.Sc. Students & $ 29,500/year for Ph.D. students including a full teaching assistantship & university scholarship.

Applications: Interested applicants should contact either:
Dr. Michael Wilkie, Dept. Biology, Wilfrid Laurier University. Email:
Dr. Ken Jeffries, Dept. Biological Sci., University of Manitoba. Email:
Dr. Brittney Borowiec, Dept. Biology, University of Waterloo. Email:
Please briefly describe your training, why you wish to pursue graduate studies, and provide a copy of your university transcript (unofficial transcript is acceptable), plus an up-to-date curriculum vitae (CV).

Review of applications will begin immediately.

We seek to further build a diverse, inclusive and supportive team of researchers and trainees at WLU and the University of Manitoba, and encourage all qualified individuals to apply. We especially welcome applications from qualified members of equity-deserving groups including women, Indigenous persons, and members of other historically-excluded and under-represented groups including, but not limited to, racialized, LGBTQIA2S+, and/or disabled students. To learn more about equity and inclusive programing at both institutions please refer to index.html and

Application Email Address:

Company Name: Wilfrid Laurier University or University of Manitoba

Application Close Date: October 03, 2025

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Assistant Professor (Tenure Track)
to Aug 19

Assistant Professor (Tenure Track)

Job Title: Assistant Professor (Tenure Track)

Location: Peterborough, ON

Job Type: Faculty

Description: Tenure-track position in avian ecology in the Department of Biology at Trent University

Application Email Address:

Company Name: Trent University

Application Close Date: August 19, 2024

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MSc and PhD Positions in Environmental Physiology and Toxicology
to Dec 27

MSc and PhD Positions in Environmental Physiology and Toxicology

Job Title: MSc and PhD positions in environmental physiology and toxicology

Location: University of New Brunswick Saint John

Job Type: Graduate Student

Description: The Zimmer lab at the University of New Brunswick Saint John is hiring MSc and PhD students!
Our lab focuses on the physiological mechanisms that aquatic organisms, primarily fishes, employ to cope with environmental change and environmental extremes. We study the physiological responses to changes in salinity, freshwater acidification, pollution, and other environmentally relevant stressors. In particular, our group seeks to understand the underlying mechanisms governing these physiological responses using a wide variety of experimental approaches.
We are looking for motivated students for MSc and PhD positions in multiple research areas with flexibility to fit the candidate’s interests:
 Ecophysiology of fishes inhabiting naturally acidic lakes
 Genetic basis of salinity tolerance in estuarine fishes
 Mechanisms of pollution adaptation in coastal and inland fishes
 Developmental physiology of euryhaline fishes
Prior experience working with fish or other aquatic organisms would be considered an asset but is not required. Fully-funded stipends start at $23.5k CAD per year for MSc students and $25k CAD per year for PhD students, before tuitions and fees. Flexible start dates of January, May, or September 2025.
Applications for this position will be accepted beginning immediately and positions will be filled by the first suitable candidate(s). If you are interested in joining a supportive lab environment in a research-intensive department on a small campus, this is a great opportunity! As a bonus, the City of Saint John offers an affordable cost-of-living, an abundance of nature parks, and a historic and vibrant “Uptown” next to the city’s port! To learn more about the Zimmer Lab, please visit
Interested candidates should send an email to Alex Zimmer ( that includes an academic CV, a list of technical skills, and a description of your research interests.

Application Email Address:

Company Name: University of New Brunswick

Application Close Date: December 27, 2024

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Graduate Positions to Study the Physiology and Control of Sea Lamprey
to Jul 1

Graduate Positions to Study the Physiology and Control of Sea Lamprey

Job Title: Graduate Positions to Study the Physiology and Control of Sea Lamprey

Location: Wilfrid Laurier University or University of Manitoba

Job Type: Graduate Student

Description: Lampreys are ancient, jawless fishes that diverged from the main vertebrate lineage over 400 million years ago. All lampreys begin life as filter-feeding larvae before they undergo metamorphosis into juvenile lampreys that have a sucker-like oral disc. Some species, such as the sea lamprey, are parasitic and feed on the blood of fishes. The invasion of the Great Lakes by sea lamprey in the early 20th century contributed to the collapse of many important fisheries.

Populations are now controlled using chemicals called lampricides and dams that block their migration. We are hiring at least four students (2 MSc, 2 PhD) to learn more about sea lamprey physiology and to improve methods of sea lamprey control in the Great Lakes.

Graduate projects may focus on: (i) the effects of warming temperatures due to climate change on the physiology of sea lamprey and the effectiveness of lampricides; (ii) how native, non parasitic lamprey species respond to changing environments and lampricides; (iii) how metabolism, gill structure and function change during the sea lamprey life cycle as they move between freshwater and seawater environments.

In partnership with collaborators at the University of Manitoba, students will perform field collections of larval lampreys throughout Ontario and Eastern Canada and conduct their studies in Laurier’s fully equipped biology labs and aquatic facilities. PhD positions to conduct genetic analyses will be hosted at the University of Manitoba. Methods and skills to be learned will be project dependent and may include molecular biology (e.g. mRNA expression, protein quantification), immunohistochemistry to study tissue structure and function, biochemical assays of energy stores, metabolites, and stress hormones in different organs and tissues (e.g. gills, muscle, liver), and respirometry to measure whole animal metabolic rate.

Qualifications: Interested students should have training in the biological sciences or a related discipline, preferably with research experience obtained by completing an MSc thesis, B.Sc. undergraduate research project, or volunteer work. A minimum B average is required for admittance to either MSc or PhD programs.

Preferred starting date: September 2024, with some flexibility on start date.

Financial support: The minimum level of financial support will be $ 25,630/year for M.Sc. students & $ 29,500/year for Ph.D. students including a full teaching assistantship & university scholarship.

Applications: Interested applicants should contact Dr. Michael Wilkie, Dept. Biology, Wilfrid Laurier University (, Dr. Ken Jeffries, Dept. Biological Sci., University of Manitoba ( and/or Dr. Brittney Borowiec, Dept. Biology, University of Waterloo (

Please briefly describe your training, why you wish to pursue graduate studies, and provide a copy of your university transcript (unofficial transcript is acceptable), plus an up-to-date curriculum vitae (CV). Review of applications will begin immediately.

We seek to further build a diverse, inclusive and supportive team of researchers and trainees at WLU and the University of Manitoba, and encourage all qualified individuals to apply. We especially welcome applications from qualified members of equity-deserving groups including women, Indigenous persons, and members of other historically-excluded and underrepresented groups including, but not limited to, racialized, LGBTQIA2S+, and/or disabled students. To learn more about equity and inclusive programing at both institutions please refer to and

Application Email Address:

Company Name: Wilfrid Laurier University or University of Manitoba

Application Close Date: July 01, 2024

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MSc Position in Arctic Marine Benthic Invertebrate Community Ecology in a Changing Environment
to Jul 1

MSc Position in Arctic Marine Benthic Invertebrate Community Ecology in a Changing Environment

Job Title: MSc. Position in Arctic marine benthic invertebrate community ecology in a changing environment

Location: Winnipeg, Manitoba

Job Type: Graduate Student

Description: Supervisors: Drs. Patricia Ramey-Balci and Ken Jeffries, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Manitoba.

Marine Invertebrate Ecology Lab (

Start date: Program of study to begin in Jan 2025 (winter) or May 2025 (summer).

Project Summary: Arctic ecosystems are under stress from environmental and anthropogenic changes (e.g., air temperature increases, ice loss, ocean circulation, and contaminants) which have increased over the past several decades. A substantial knowledge gap exists regarding the biodiversity of coastal benthic invertebrate community composition and their habitat associations in the coastal environment. Graduate student research will aim to address this knowledge gap by 1) providing a baseline assessment of nearshore, shallow water benthic invertebrate community and functional (i.e., species traits) structure in relation to habitat in Qikiqtarjuaq, Nunavut, and 2) develop a comprehensive reference library of DNA barcodes to aid in the future application of environmental DNA. The information produced from this work will be used as a baseline to monitor future change near Qikiqtarjuaq, Nunavut, and in the Arctic in general.
The student will conduct fieldwork in an Arctic coastal ecosystem (2-3 week duration) and play an active role in the planning and execution of research in the field and laboratory. The student will gain experience in fieldwork planning, experimental design, community engagement, collection and fixation of invertebrate samples using grabs onboard boats, microscopic identification of macroinvertebrates using taxonomic keys, molecular lab techniques for gene sequencing/analyses, univariate and multivariate statistical analysis of species abundances and expression of functional traits, and communication through participation in seminars and scientific conferences.

Requirements: Four-year Bachelor's degree in Biology (B.Sc.), GPA 3.0 or higher.

Prior experience: Only qualified applicants will be contacted. Applicants with strong scientific writing skills and experience in macroinvertebrate species identification, and/or molecular techniques (e.g., DNA extraction, PCR) will be given preference. We are committed to an equitable, diverse, and inclusive research environment that welcomes all applications from qualified persons contributing to the further diversification of ideas and experiences.

Funding: Two years of funding is available at the Master’s level. Salary is $21000/year. There is also the possibility to apply for Teaching Assistantships and grader/marker positions.

Interested candidates can apply by emailing a single pdf that includes:

1. 1-page cover letter of interest stating their motivation to pursue a M.Sc. in Arctic ecology (and any relevant previous research experience)
2. Curriculum Vitae
3. Unofficial academic transcripts
4. Name and contact for two references by July 1, 2024

Application Email Address:

Company Name: University of Manitoba

Application Close Date: July 01, 2024

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PhD Position in Multi-Species Landscape Epigenomics
to Jul 1

PhD Position in Multi-Species Landscape Epigenomics

Job Title: PhD position in Multi-species Landscape Epigenomics

Location: Edmonton, AB

Job Type: Graduate Student

Description: I am seeking a highly motivated student for a PhD project on multi-species landscape epigenomics. This is a funded PhD position in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Alberta (minimum guaranteed salary of $25,917/year for 5 years). The start date is anticipated to be January or September 2025 but is negotiable. Previous experience with genomic data or bioinformatics (Linux and R) is an asset.

DNA methylation is a potential underlying mechanism for phenotypic plasticity and can respond to environmental fluctuations such as climate change. Due to the potential for epigenetic inheritance, populations living in different environments could accumulate epigenetic differences over many generations. These methylation differences could slowly lead to genetic divergence over long evolutionary periods due to the mutagenic nature of DNA methylation.

We will assess variation in DNA methylation due to climatic variation and its associations with genetic variation. We have performed ~16X coverage whole genome methylation sequencing for 80 lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) and 80 brook charr (Salvelinus fontinalis): 10 fish per species from eight sampling locations across a latitudinal climatic gradient in Hudson Bay and James Bay. We will combine these data with environmental data and ~20X whole genome sequencing data for the same fish to answer diverse questions on interactions among DNA methylation, the genome, and environmental variation in a natural system.

The successful candidate will be co-supervised by Dr. Clare Venney ( and Dr. Jean-Sébastien Moore (Université Laval, The successful candidate can also contribute to upcoming fieldwork in the lab as desired (e.g., potential work in and around Banff and Jasper National Park). Interested candidates should send a CV, unofficial transcripts, and one page cover letter detailing their interest in the position to on or before July 1st, 2024.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions at the email address listed above.

Clare Venney
Incoming Assistant Professor
Department of Biological Sciences
University of Alberta

Application Email Address:

Company Name: University of Alberta

Application Close Date: July 01, 2024

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