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MSc Positions in Forest Biocontrol and Pest Management

Job Title: MSc positions in Forest Biocontrol and Pest Management

Location: Acadia University, Wolfville, NS

Job Type: Graduate Student

Description: We are currently seeking candidates for multiple MSc positions to conduct research on development of a biocontrol and integrated pest management strategy for invasive Hemlock Woolly Adelgid. Currently positions have flexible start dates within the next 9 months. Successful applicants will work with a team of researchers based at Acadia University in Nova Scotia, and with Natural Resources – Canadian Forest Service in Fredericton, NB.

MSc candidates (4) are being recruited for the following sub projects:
1. Timing of insect development and thermal tolerance of HWA and biocontrol agents (1Msc; in collaboration with the Ferguson lab at Acadia)
2. Investigating the diversity of close relatives of biocontrol agents in NS – distribution, detection, and prey diversity (2
3. Impacts of chemical treatments for HWA management on canopy invertebrate biodiversity (1MSc).
Ideal candidates should have a BSc with some background experience in forestry, biology, entomology or chemistry backgrounds.

For all positions, they should be highly motivated, and have a keen interest in insect pest management and forest ecology. Must be able to work well independently and with a team, and have a good suite of communication and interpersonal skills.

Start date:
Positions are available starting Sept 2024 and applications are open until leading applicants are identified.

Application Email Address:

Company Name: Acadia University

Application Close Date: March 31, 2025

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Assistant Professor in Integrative Organismal Biology