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*Additional terms of reference can be found at the bottom of the page

CSZ Student/PDF Research Grant
This award will assist students and post-doctoral fellows from Canadian universities with expenses incurred during collaborative visits to other laboratories, research facilities, field stations or sites to conduct zoological research. The intention is to support ancillary research activities that will supplement and enhance the applicant’s core research program, and not to fund the core research itself which is the responsibility of the applicant’s supervisor.

Cas C. Lindsey Prize (IEE)
The Cas C. Lindsey Prize given by the IEE Section will be awarded for the best student presentation (oral or poster) within the fields of behaviour, ecology or evolution.

H. I. Battle Award
The H. I. Battle Award is given for the best student poster at the Annual Conference of the CSZ and is intended to encourage and acknowledge excellence in scientific research and communication by students.

George F. Holeton Prize (CPB)
The CPB section annually awards the George Holeton prize to the most outstanding student Poster presentation in our section.

Robert G. Boutilier New Investigator Award
The R. G. “Bob” Boutilier New Investigator Award is to encourage and honor CSZ members within seven years of receiving their first academic or professional appointment. The individual must have made significant contributions to zoology (defined broadly) and to be considered a “rising star” in their field.

F. E. J. Fry Medal
The Fry Medal is given to a Canadian Zoologist who has made an outstanding contribution to knowledge and understanding of an area in zoology, and who is expected to deliver a plenary lecture at the next annual conference.

Science Outreach Award
This award is intended to encourage and stimulate increased public awareness of zoology through articles in the popular press that deal with environmental, biological or zoological issues. The article will have been published in any recognized newspaper or periodical available to the public.

L. Margolis Scholarship
This scholarship has been established as a memorial to Dr. Leo Margolis, an internationally preeminent parasitologist and a staunch supporter of the Canadian Society of Zoologists since its inception in 1961. The competition for the scholarship is open to any Canadian who is registered in a graduate studies program at a Canadian university at the time the scholarship is taken up and whose research is in the field of fisheries biology.

T. W. M. Cameron Outstanding Ph.D. Thesis Award
This is an annual award, established by the Canadian Society of Zoologists to recognize the author of an outstanding Ph. D. Thesis in Zoology submitted to a Canadian University.

Honorary membership of the Canadian Society of Zoology
Honorary membership is offered by the CSZ to individuals who have made an outstanding contribution to Zoology. Ordinarily, this individual’s contribution will have been to Zoology in Canada, and the individual will have had some relationship to the CSZ. Honorary membership is a lifetime appointment, is restricted to 20 living members, and is the highest honour the Society confers.

Distinguished Service Award
This Award recognizes members of the CSZ who have contributed enormously to the well being of zoology in Canada by working hard for the CSZ, often well beyond the call of duty, but in ways that are not currently recognized by other Society awards.

R. A. Wardle Award
The Parasitism, Immunity and Environment (PIE) Section of the Canadian Society of Zoologists (CSZ) promotes study of the interrelationships at all levels among infectious agents, the response of animals to these agents, and the environment in which these relationships exist. The Wardle Award normally will be awarded annually for outstanding contributions to Canadian-based research on the fields of study promoted by the PIE Section.

Brian K. Hall Award (CMDB)
The Award is given for the best oral presentation by a student on a topic in Comparative Morphology and Development at the Annual Meeting.

A. Murray Fallis Award (PIE)
Award for the best student research given as oral presentation during the annual conference in the area of parasitism, immunity and environment.

Presidents’ Award
The Award is given for an oral research presentation at the Annual Conference of the Society, and is intended to encourage and acknowledge excellence in scientific research and communication by Post-Doctoral Fellows.

Financial support for participation in CSZ annual congresses for caregivers
The purpose of this assistance program is to assist members of the Canadian society of Zoology who have natural caregiver functions (e.g., care of young children) and income that restricts their ability to attend the CSZ annual congresses. We will test this program at the 2019 Congress in Windsor with the intention of setting up a long-term program in the future.

Mick Burt Award (PIE)
This award recognizes the best student poster presentation in the PIE section at the CSZ Annual Meeting.

William S. Hoar Award
The Award is given for the best student talk at the Annual Conference of the Society, and is intended to encourage and acknowledge excellence in scientific research and communication by students.

PDF Travel Award to Annual CSZ Meeting
This award is to assist post-doctoral fellows (PDFs) with expenses associated with attending the CSZ Annual Meeting.

CSZ Conference Travel Grants
This awards program, organized and administered by the Local Organizing Committee , is intended to help offset travel/lodging costs for students or postdocs giving an oral or poster presentation at the upcoming Annual Meeting of the CSZ.

CPB Student/PDF Research Grant
This award will assist student and post-doctoral members of the CPB section with expenses incurred during visits to other laboratories, research facilities, field stations or sites to conduct zoological research.
Awards Terms of Reference
The following are some suggested criteria for the Recognition Committee in evaluating nominations/applications for the FEJ Fry Medal, RG Boutilier Award, Public Education Award, Public Awareness Award, and the Margolis Award.
For all awards, the committee will adhere to the principles and best practices for ensuring equality, diversity, and inclusion in their evaluation of the nominees. Committee members should reflect on and acknowledge their own unconscious biases with regard to race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, mental or physical ability, age, gender identity or expression, and sexual orientation. Committees should be aware of and explicitly address unconscious bias, including but not limited to biases associated with particular sub-fields or types of career paths or the personal characteristics of nominees.
Committee members should reflect the current diversity of the membership of the society, where possible. General procedures for evaluation of nominations/applications by the committee will involve a rubric for each award based on criteria for each award. Scores will be shared with the whole committee followed by a discussion to reach a decision.