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CSZ Student/PDF Research Grant

This award will assist students and post-doctoral fellows from Canadian universities with expenses incurred during collaborative visits to other laboratories, research facilities, field stations or sites to conduct zoological research. The intention is to support ancillary research activities that will supplement and enhance the applicant’s core research program, and not to fund the core research itself which is the responsibility of the applicant’s supervisor.

Terms of Reference


This award will assist students and post-doctoral fellows from Canadian universities with expenses incurred during collaborative visits to other laboratories, research facilities, field stations or sites to conduct zoological research. The intention is to support ancillary research activities that will supplement and enhance the applicant’s core research program, and not to fund the core research itself which is the responsibility of the applicant’s supervisor. This must be clearly stated in the application.


Cash award of up to $500.

Source of Prize

Funded through ZET.

Frequency of Availability

Normally a maximum of one per year. The award need not be made every year.

Application Procedures

Applications are to be made to this link. Applications shall include:

A research proposal (1 page single-spaced, maximum) providing an account of the work to be done, clearly stating: (a) the financial need and significance of the proposed research, and (b) a description of how the collaboration will benefit the recipient’s research program;

A brief curriculum vitae;

A letter of recommendation from the head of the research group in which the applicant is presently working;

A letter of recommendation from the head of the research group in which the proposed work will be done, or, if not applicable, a letter of support from another individual qualified to comment on the justification of the proposed research.

Application Deadline

For PDFs: March 7, 2025
For students: March 9, 2025

Other Conditions

There are no restrictions on the nationality of the hosting facility. Applicants should currently be undertaking studies at a Canadian university. Only one application per person per year will be assessed. An application cannot be submitted for work already completed. Recipients will be required to:

Provide social insurance number and permanent mailing address to ZET Treasurer before payment is issued;

Acknowledge to ZET Treasurer reciept of the cheque;

Produce a 250-500 word report of the results obtained under the Award and submit to CSZ Secretary, for publication in the CSZ Bulletin, the CSZ archives and on CSZ web page;

Acknowledge the CSZ and the ZET in any publications resulting from the Award.


2020 – Mike Lawrence, University of Manitoba

2019 – Giulia Rossi, University of Guelph

2018 – Chloé Berger, Université Laval

2017 – Gigi Lau, University of British Columbia, and Till Harter, University of British Columbia

2016 – Cayleih Robertson, McMaster University.

2015 – Yvonne Dzal, University of British Columbia.

2014 – Nathan Furey, University of British Columbia.

2014 – Supplemental “students’ choice” grant – Matthew Gilbert, University of Alberta.

2013 – Adam Reddon, McMaster University.

2012 – Christophe LeMoine, University of Ottawa.

2011 – Milica Mandic, University of British Columbia.

2010 – Constance O’Connor Carleton University.

2010 – Supplemental “students’ choice” grant – David Toews, University of British Columbia.

2009 – Allison McDonald, University of Western Ontario.

2006 – Daniel Baker, University of British Columbia.

February 18

PDF Travel Award to Annual CSZ Meeting

March 31

CSZ Conference Travel Grants