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Cas C. Lindsey Prize (IEE)

The Cas C. Lindsey Prize given by the IEE Section will be awarded for the best student presentation (oral or poster) within the fields of behaviour, ecology or evolution.

Terms of Reference

The Cas C. Lindsey Prize is given by the IEE Section. The prize has a monetary value of $300 and will be presented at the Annual Meeting of the CSZ. lt will be awarded far the best student presentation (oral or poster) within the fields of behaviour, ecology or evolution.

The recipient will be selected by a committee of two judges appointed annually by the Section Chair.

Candidates will be judged both on the quality of the presentation, scientific content and responses to questions.

Candidates must be students or have completed their degree within the past year. They must present work completed towards their degree.

The candidate must be the first author on the presentation. In cases of multiple authorships, the candidate’s supervisor must submit a letter stating that the research is primarily that of the student and summarizing the contribution of each author.

An electronic version of the abstract and the supervisor’s letter (where necessary) must be sent to the Secretary of the IEE Section before March 31st.

Candidates remain eligible for other Society prizes in the same year.

The Cas C. Lindsey Prize cannot be awarded to a previous recipient of the prize.


  • 2023 – Jory Litt-Jukes, University of Saskatchewan. Migration in the spotlight: A comparative investigation of behavioural responses to artificial light at night in nocturnal migrant and nonmigratory songbirds + Marziyeh Hassanzad, University of Saskatchewan. Did trans-regulatory changes to Sox9 and Runx2 decrease cartilage gene expression during osteoblast evolution?

  • 2022 – Emily Black, University of British Columbia. Fluctuating temperatures as a predictor of eastern spruce budworm defoliation.

  • 2021 – Caleb Northam, University of Manitoba. Convergent reductions in predicted hemoglobin buffering capacity in lineages of small, high-metabolic rate birds and mammals: a novel adaptation to aid O2 delivery.

  • 2016 – Joel Slade, Western University. Preen oil as a signal of MHC genotype in a songbird.

  • 2015 – Stephanie Reimer, University of Lethbridge.

  • 2014 – Daniel Field, Yale University.

  • 2013 – Emily MacLeod, University of Toronto Scarborough. Spider beware: investigations into male mate choice in the western black widow spider (Latrodectus hesperus).

  • 2012 – Sima Usvyatsov, University of New Brunswick. The timing and extent of larval drift in the shortnose sturgeon in the Saint John River, NB, Canada.

  • 2011 – Danielle Fraser, Carleton University. Warmer climates weaken latitudinal gradients.

  • 2010 – Jerry Ericsson, Simon Fraser University. Selection for resistance to the microbial insecticide Bacillus thuringiensis causes immunological costs in subsequent Trichoplusiani generations.

  • 2009 – Jeffrey Stoltz, University of Toronto Scarborough.

  • 2008 – (tied) Lily Stanton, Acadia University; Emily Standen, Harvard University.

  • 2007 – Natalie Carreau, Laurentian University.

  • 2006 – Jeffrey Lane, University of Alberta.

  • 2005 – Mehran Bakhtiari, Laurentian University.

  • 2004 – Alissa E. Moenting, Lakehead University. Edge versus area of risky patches: scaling habitat selection with habitat change.

  • 2003 – Philip J. Bergmann, University of Calgary. As patterns break down: Conservatism in segmental tail growth of lizards.

  • 2002 – C. Lausen, University of Calgary. Patterns of thermoregulation and roost selection in reproductive female big brown bats, Eptesicus fuscus.

  • 2001 – Alastair J. Wilson, University of Guelph. Adaptive life history variation in the absence of genetic differentiation.

  • 2000 – Emily Gonzales, University of Guelph. To boldly go where no squirrel has gone before: using GIS to model dispersal in an exotic species.

  • 1999 – Steve Côté, Université de Sherbrooke. Life-history correlates of social dominance in female mountain goats.

  • 1998 – Dean McCurdy, Carleton University. Honorable Mention: Kathreen Ruckstuhl, Université de Sherbrooke.

  • 1997 – Thomas W. Knight, Memorial University of Newfoundland.

  • 1996 – Celine Berubé, Université de Sherbrooke.

  • 1995 – Dominique Berteaux, Université de Sherbrooke.

  • 1994 – Louise Jodoin, Université de Sherbrooke.

March 31

CSZ Conference Travel Grants

March 31

Presidents’ Award