Recruiting a new CSZ representative to the CCAC

Dear CSZ Members,

On August 31, 2024, Paul Craig will complete a 3-year term as the CSZ representative to the Canadian Council of Animal Care (CCAC). We thank Paul for his dedication and service during this time!

We are looking for a new CSZ representative to the CCAC for a 3 year term starting Sept 1, 2024. The CSZ representative will work closely and collaboratively with the CCAC board, committees and other member organization representatives to promote the CCAC mandate and contribute to the enhancement of its main programs. The CCAC is the national organization responsible for setting, maintaining and overseeing the implementation of high standards for animal ethics and care of animals in science. The CCAC relies heavily on high quality and volunteer experts in order to perform its work in assessing institutions, developing guidelines and providing training for those using animals in research, teaching and testing. The degree to which the CCAC is able to meet its goals depends largely on the commitment of these volunteers. 

For the CSZ, it is important to have a representative to bring a voice to CCAC who can convey issues of top concern for CSZ members. Representatives will be expected to attend the CCAC Annual General Meeting one weekend a year, usually held early June anywhere in Canada, and report to the fall virtual meeting concerning CCAC activities.  

If you are interested in being the CSZ representative to the CCAC, please send a statement of interest along with your CV to “ ” by May 24th , 2024 and your application will be forwarded to council for final decisions.

See details of position here


CSZ 2025 Election Results are In!


The CSZ-SCZ Survival Guide is Here!