Integrative Ecology and Evolution Section (IEE)


The Integrative Ecology and Evolution (IEE) section includes researchers studying animal ecology, ethology, and evolution and those studying intersecting sets of these three fields including: behavioural ecology/evolution, biodiversity, conservation biology, evolutionary ecology, landscape genomics, systematics, and wildlife biology. Many interdisciplinary IEE members also belong to other CSZ sections including Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry (CPB: physiological ecology/ecological physiology; hormonal and neural regulation of behaviour), Parasitism, Immunity and Environment (PIE: molecular systematics or ecological role of parasites) and Comparative Morphology, Development and Biomechanics (CMDB: interface between traditional morphological systematics and modern molecular systematics/barcoding).

Within CSZ, IEE promotes the cross-fertilization of ideas and knowledge both within disciplines and across disciplines through the wide range of research within the Section and through the annual conference where all four sections (IEE, CPB, PIE, and CMD ) convene simultaneously and present separate or joint symposia.

Section Structure

The executive of the Section is composed of the Chair, Past-Chair and Secretary/Treasurer. The responsibilities of each position are outlined in this document.

Student Award

In memory of Cas Lindsey, one of the founding members of the Society, the Cas Lindsey Prize is awarded each year to the student from the IEE Section with the best presentation (oral or poster) at the annual conference.


Comparative Physiology and Biochemistry Section (CPB)


Parasitism, Immunity & Environment (PIE)