Join us in Waterloo this spring!

Abstract submission portal

Abstract Submission Form

Abstract submission is open until March 14

Abstract Instructions for CSZ Annual Conference – Waterloo 2025.

Please submit your title and abstract in both French and English (250 words maximum). We recommend the use of the translating software DeepL for the most accurate translation (

Please fill out all text fields and boxes where applicable. Your French and English titles and abstracts can be pasted into the text boxes provided. Please place them in the order of your first language; i.e. if your first language is French, then please input your French title first, followed by the English title. This applies for the abstract text box as well.

What awards are you eligible for?

Choose tags to filter awards (tags function as “or”). Keep in mind many of these require additional steps to apply for (outlined in each individual award, marked by “Requires additional steps” tag). We suggest right-clicking on the images and opening in a new tab for easy navigation.